Hi there,
I want to create Qlik dashboard when I will see New, loyal and "random" customers.
Customer I need to dynamically sort (if you select month what you want) on these customers with time test of 6 month.
New = they make transaction for the first time (in past 6 month include current they did not)
Loyalty = make transaction each month in row (6 month in rows)
Random = customers make transaction in selected month however in previosu 6 month they did transactions at least once.
To random customers I want to see also in which month they perfomerd 1. purchase.
New (in 6. month)
Id Month01 Month 02 Month 03 Month 04 Month 05 Month 06
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Id Month01 Month 02 Month 03 Month 04 Month 05 Month 06
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Id Month01 Month 02 Month 03 Month 04 Month 05 Month 06
1 1 0 0 1 0 1
First purhase = Month 01
I have customers ids and value 1 or 0 if they have buyed in current month. 1 = yes, 0=no.
Do you know any solutions how to perform it? In load script or in expression, it does not matter.
Thanks a lot!