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Hello Experts.
I have got stuck in a problem that may be easy to you. According to clients requirement, users decide the number format of the Num() function, i.e. if user inputs 2 the number format should be Num(10.12458, '#,###.##'). if user inputs 3 the number format should be Num(10.12458, '#,###.###').
Main challenge is to generate the Format Pattern.
Can any one help me? Thannks in advance.
=Num(10.12458, '#,###.' & Repeat('#',vInput) )
=if(vInput=1, Num(10.12458, '#,##0'),
if(vInput=2, Num(10.12458, '#,##0.0'),
if(vInput=3, Num(10.12458, '#,##0.00'))))
Hi Pradip:
You need some variables
=Num(Sum(Quantity), $(NumberFormat_var), DecimalSep_var, ThousandSep_var)
and populate them with a expression based on the user input.
But ... not in all expressions and in all functions of the front end it works
=Num(10.12458, '#,###.' & Repeat('#',vInput) )