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Outlook style calendar that populates from date field

I am building a dashboard to help track engineering changes in a manufacturing plant. Each change has a date that it will be implemented on. I would like to have a calendar that looks like an outlook calendar, with objects listed under the applicable dates. Then when you click on one of the changes, it will select that change number and filter fields accordingly. I don't want the date numbers to filter when clicked though.

The data that this sheet object will pull from will be on a single table in the following format:

CN NumberEffective DateDescription
CN1234-051/15/15update hardware
CN2587-011/20/15swap to LED lighting

I have attached a mock up of what this will look like in an ideal world. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

10 Replies

Does anyone have a copy of this old qlikview app, converted to enterprise/saas?   the old qvw has no sheets when imported into current qlik desktop version