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Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Pivot Table sort bug when using Conditional Expressions

I have a pivot table with four expressions.  The expressions are conditional, allowing the user to show/hide any combination.

The pivot table has column grouping by month (in the form "Jul-2013").  The column order is sorted correctly if the user selects two, three or all four expressions.  However, if only one expression is shown, the column sorting changes and I cannot get it to display in the correct order.  Please see the following screen shots.

Two expressions, sorting correct:

Pivot Table - 2 expressions.jpg

One expression, sorting broken:

Pivot Table - 1 expression.jpg

Has anyone else encountered similar behaviour?

1 Reply
Not applicable

I face the same issue. Did you found a workaround of the problem?

If yes, can you share the knowledge please?