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Pivot table Object --- >Text Objects

Good Afternoon,

Is it possible by using the pivot table objects to display the highest values in the text objects.

See the attachment, its a pivot table, I would like to diaplay using the text object

MEKE is the highest of  2733.06 and

RHEN Is the highest of 5 Invoices

Is it possible.

Thanks in advance


4 Replies
Not applicable


i was able to get the numbers in the textbox but for the moment can't get the name. Using similar expresion can give you the max invoice amount:

 =max(aggr( sum( InvoiceAmount), Company),1)

and max number of invoices:

 =max(aggr( count(InvoiceId), Company),1)

I'll see if i can get and the names in the textbox too.

Hope this helps!


Not applicable

Dear Stefan,

Thanks a lot... it works, but I neet to display the the highest for whcih carrier.



Not applicable

Good Evening,

Any idea to implement the above....

Thanks in advance.


Not applicable

Ok i think this is it! (with a little help from a friend 😉 )

=MaxString(aggr(if(sum(total <Name> InvoiceAmount) =

max(total aggr(nodistinct sum( {<Name=>}InvoiceAmount), Name),1)

, Name, ''),Name))

So the total amount textbox will be:

=MaxString(aggr(if(sum(total <Name> InvoiceAmount) =

max(total aggr(nodistinct sum( {<Name=>}InvoiceAmount), Name),1)

, Name, ''),Name)) & ' is the highest of ' & max(aggr( sum( InvoiceAmount), Name),1)

and for invoice count:

=MaxString(aggr(if(count(total <Name> InvoiceId) =

max(total aggr(nodistinct count( {<Name=>}InvoiceId), Name),1)

, Name, ''),Name)) & ' is the highest of  ' & max(aggr( count(InvoiceId), Name),1) & ' Invoices'


Message was edited by: Stefan Stoichev