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Problem using a field as the title in a detached chart

This seems like a simple problem but I am stuck trying to find a solution. I am looking at retail sales data in a chart, showing sales value against week number. As a second stage I am able to select by supplier and this shows interesting trends that the end user wants to investigate.

The next stage is to have 3 identical charts and the ability to select three different suppliers one for each. I achieve this by selecting a supplier then detaching the relevant chart to lock the data - all works fine so far.

My sticking point is that I am using the suppliername field as the chart title, unfortunatly this doesnt lock when detached, so I always end up with the same suppliername displayed on all 3 charts.

Any suggests woudl be gratefully accepted.


4 Replies
Partner - Master III
Partner - Master III


not what you asked for but another solution

take a look at the attach file

i am using treils

i think the result is what you want , and you dont need to detach any thing

hope its helps you

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Thank you for your help, sorry that I took so long to reply.

Your solution works perfecty, far better than I had planned. My only remaining improvement would be that the scaling on the Y-axis (sales value) is set to fit the largest of the three graphs. As the sales value varies greatly between suppliers it would be an advantage to set the y-axis for each of the three graphs indendently , however I cant see a way of doing that.

Thanks again


Champion III
Champion III

I don't believe you can set them independently.  I believe it is designed for comparisons, which would be more difficult with differing scales.  One possible answer would be to use a logarithmic scale.  They would still all use the same scale, but even vastly differing data should all be visible.

Attached is a rather different solution, closer to your original thinking.  It uses three charts, each tied to one of your selected values.  The first always displays (so that you can see the error message).  The others only display when a corresponding supplier is selected.  You could also just leave all three charts up, and for that matter, I wouldn't even use a calculation condition.  You might as well just show the "first" three selected or possible suppliers.  But I left the constraints in there so you could see them in action.  Since we have three separate charts, the scale of each is independent.

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Thanks John, this solution works perfectly for me. I have also used the solution from Iiron for a Gauge chart showing GP%, this is easier to use and the range of values are fine to use the same settings.

Thanks to both of you for you solutions and for improving my knowledge.
