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Hi All,
I experienced something strange in QV11 again and this time is about the dimension limit and return the error of "Allocated Memory Exceeded.
The chart is very simple with 2 dimensions and 1 single expression. But sometimes it is OK and sometimes, it will prompt error "Allocated Memory Exceeded'.
Any some know why?
The case is when you select multiple month together with July, e.g. June and July, May and July, April and July, etc.
Screen shots and the qvw attached as well.
Thanks a lot
I have exactly the same problem as you Herman. When I tick the box "Show Others", it works, when I untick it, i get the allocated memory exceeded message.
Guys from QlikView, can you please help ? Is it a QV 11 bug as we suspect ?
Herman, I took a look at your file and I can't replicate the error. I'm using build 11414 (SR2). What's your install version?
Guys, this is confirmed as a bug and bug ID is 54453.
There is any fix for this? Where to find it?
Just got off the phone with support... this bug is 'fixed' in SR2 which released yesterday. I have not applied the release or ran any tests as of yet- just letting you know.