Hi All,
I want to convert the below chart expression logic into QlikView script.
=Count({$<_TargetCustomer={1}>} DISTINCT
If( (
Count({$<_TargetCustomer={1},_DataSource_F_Call={1}>} DISTINCT CPA_Contact_Cnt)
< sum({$<_TargetCustomer={1},_DataSource_F_Target={1}>} Contact_Cycle_Plan_Qty) * 0.8
and sum({$<_TargetCustomer={1},_DataSource_F_Target={1}>} Contact_Cycle_Plan_Qty) > 0)
, CPA_Customer_Cnt, Null()),CPA_Customer_Cnt,[Cycle Name],Segmentation))
All the columns in the above expression are available in a single table.
I need to add all these condition into the QLikView script and keep the value into a single column.
is it possible to add these expression logic to script level?
The dimension for this chart is Month, Month column also available in the same table.
The above expression is working fine and getting the result correctly.
Can you please help me on this?
Sibin Jacob. C