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Qlikview 11 for Developers issue


I'm John and I recently purchased this book to learn how to use Qlikview. I ran into an issue. In chapter 2 page 40-42 it wants you to structure the script a certain way to add multiple tabs and tables. Below is the five tabs I have altogether and the script for each of these tables. When I hit control T to bring up the table viewer it's supposed to look like the picture on page 42. But I don't have any connectors. It's just the Main Data tab.  Can someone help?

Main tab

SET ThousandSep=',';

SET DecimalSep='.';

SET MoneyThousandSep=',';

SET MoneyDecimalSep='.';

SET MoneyFormat='$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)';

SET TimeFormat='h:mm:ss TT';

SET DateFormat='M/D/YYYY';

SET TimestampFormat='M/D/YYYY h:mm:ss[.fff] TT';

SET FirstWeekDay=6;

SET BrokenWeeks=1;

SET ReferenceDay=0;

SET FirstMonthOfYear=1;

SET CollationLocale='en-US';

SET MonthNames='Jan;Feb;Mar;Apr;May;Jun;Jul;Aug;Sep;Oct;Nov;Dec';

SET LongMonthNames='January;February;March;April;May;June;July;August;September;October;November;December';

SET DayNames='Mon;Tue;Wed;Thu;Fri;Sat;Sun';

SET LongDayNames='Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Friday;Saturday;Sunday';

Main Data tab

[Main Data]:

LOAD [%Airline ID],

     [%Carrier Group ID],

     [%Unique Carrier Code],

     [%Unique Carrier Entity Code],

     [%Region Code],

     [%Origin Airport ID],

     [%Origin Airport Sequence ID],

     [%Origin Airport Market ID],

     [%Origin World Area Code],

     [%Destination Airport ID],

     [%Destination Airport Sequence ID],

     [%Destination Airport Market ID],

     [%Destination World Area Code],

     [%Aircraft Group ID],

     [%Aircraft Type ID],

     [%Aircraft Configuration ID],

     [%Distance Group ID],

     [%Service Class ID],

     [%Datasource ID],

     [# Departures Scheduled],

     [# Departures Performed],

     [# Payload],


     [# Available Seats],

     [# Transported Passengers],

     [# Transported Freight],

     [# Transported Mail],

     [# Ramp-To-Ramp Time],

     [# Air Time],

     [Unique Carrier],

     [Carrier Code],

     [Carrier Name],

     [Origin Airport Code],

     [Origin City],

     [Origin State Code],

     [Origin State FIPS],

     [Origin State],

     [Origin Country Code],

     [Origin Country],

     [Destination Airport Code],

     [Destination City],

     [Destination State Code],

     [Destination State FIPS],

     [Destination State],

     [Destination Country Code],

     [Destination Country],




     [Month (#)],


     [From - To Airport Code],

     [From - To Airport ID],

     [From - To City],

     [From - To State Code],

     [From - To State]


[..\Data Files\QVDs\Flight Data.qvd]


Airlines tab

[Carrier Groups]:

LOAD [%Aircraft Group ID],

     [Aircraft Group]


[..\Data Files\QVDs\Aircraft Groups.qvd]


[Carrier Operating Region]:

LOAD [%Region Code],

     [Carrier's Operating Region]


[..\Data Files\QVDs\Carrier Operating Region.qvd]


[Flight Types]:

LOAD [%Datasource ID],

     [Flight Type]


[..\Data Files\QVDs\Flight Types.qvd]


Aircrafts tab

[Aircraft Groups]:

LOAD [%Aircraft Group ID],

     [Aircraft Group]


[..\Data Files\QVDs\Aircraft Groups.qvd]


[Aircraft Types]:

LOAD [%Aircraft Type ID],

     [Aircraft Type]


[..\Data Files\QVDs\Aircraft Types.qvd]


Airports tab

[Distance Groups]:

LOAD [%Distance Group ID],

     [Distance Interval]


[..\Data Files\QVDs\Distance Groups.qvd]


22 Replies

Did you reload the script after adding new tables?

Champion III
Champion III

Do you have all the qvd files in the path mentioned?

Not applicable

Ok that helped me get 5 out of the 7 but I'm still missing Aircraft groups and Distance groups. Any thoughts? Thanks for the help.

Not applicable

I'm not sure what you mean. I'm very new and trying to work through this book by myself. I did what the last commenter said and reloaded the script but that only gave me 5 of the 7 tables. Still missing Aircraft groups and Distance groups.

Champion III
Champion III

I mean the script when it runs, it is trying to access the qvd files from a path location. Like you mentioned.

[Aircraft Groups]:

LOAD [%Aircraft Group ID],

     [Aircraft Group]


[..\Data Files\QVDs\Aircraft Groups.qvd]

(qvd);      -> This is the path where this QVD file is trying to read. So do you have that qvd file in this path?


Try reloading script again and check the execution progress window, it should show missing table name somewhere there and information of no of rows loaded, if not, then you might have problem in accessing those qvd files.

Champion III
Champion III

Can you run the script in debug mode like open edit script and click on debug and keep clicking on step button  and see if you find any rows not reading from the tables


Not applicable

I'm not sure how to check the execution progress window. The QVD files are from the website the book came from. Still not working.

Not applicable

There is nothing after (qvd); for any of the files but 5 of them worked and 2 didn't. Still can't figure it out.