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I have the attached app but would like to rank/partition the data to only display unique instances.
For example, provide a Rank of 1 for every ID. When IDs are duplicated (example ID 5) take Gap_Indicator of Y and when there are example where I have duplicate ID, duplicate Gap_Indicator take the latest EndDATE.
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You need this in the script
I would like to only display rank of 1 but at a later date I may display all of the data. So maybe in the script would be best.
I am not sure I understand what you are trying to convey. Would you be able to share the expected output?
Current chart below. I would like to see an additional column of Rank.
Table Rank:
ID StartDate EndDate Gap_Indicator Rank
1 1/1/16 1/10/16 Y 1
2 1/1/16 1/20/16 N 1
3 1/1/16 1/11/16 Y 1
4 1/1/16 1/12/16 Y 1
5 1/1/16 1/10/16 Y 1
5 1/1/16 1/30/16 N 2
6 1/1/16 1/10/16 Y 1
6 1/1/16 1/5/16 Y 2
6 1/1/16 3/1/16 N 3
Expected OutPut to only display where Rank = 1
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Yes. Now if I wanted to only display values where rank = 1 would I create another table in the script?
Why not just use set analysis to do that on the front end? {<Rank = {1}>}