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Regarding the coloring the values in Pivot table

Hi All,

I have a Pivot table where I color the values based on range that is calculeted in the Script.Just called this Color in the Background color of the Expression.The values in the table are colored properly but the problem is the Expression Name is also taking the First Occured color of the Value instead of White Background.

Please let me know if u hav any solution for this..Awaiting for the Reply...

1 Reply
Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni

Attached is a possible solution from a previous similar post.

This is a notoriously difficult problem - as you're finding! - the attached is the only way I've found to control the colours of a column but NOT the header as well.

If the attached doesn't work for you then try looking around the rowno() and columnno() functions for a possible solution.

Hope that helps,

Matt - Visual Analytics Ltd