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Remove value in the string

Hi guys,

I have a field called C in my script like Concat(fieldA,'|',fieldB) in my application I have a filter from fieldA, so when I selected a fieldA , my field C show the result concatenated fieldA|fieldB

Its possible remove this result fieldA and show just fieldB without |? because I already selected the fieldA


I dont know if its clear, but I need this concatenation in my script to show the result, but I only dont need repeat the value from field A because I already did the filter by list box.

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5 Replies
Creator III
Creator III

maybe a calculated field like this?


not sure if I get you though



Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III

Can you please provide a sample app?

Partner - Specialist
Partner - Specialist


try in this way



Partner Ambassador
Partner Ambassador

Not sure why can't you just show FieldB?
If you still need to display Field C, but just second part, than try Subfield([field C],'|',2)
Former Employee
Former Employee

Jose, did any of the posts help you with what you needed to solve here, or are you still trying to figure things out?  If you need further help, please provide an update and per Arthur's comment, an example app may help a great deal here too.  If someone's post did help, please use the Accept as Solution button on that post to give them credit, you can do more than one post as well if multiple posts helped you sort things out.  If you did something else completely, consider posting what you did and then mark that as the solution so others will know what worked in this case.


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I now work a compressed schedule, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so those will be the days I will reply to any follow-up posts.