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Do More with Qlik - Qlik Cloud Analytics Recap and Getting Started, June 19: REGISTER
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Replicate same chart for different countries in same sheet

Is it possible to create same type of charts e.g. a line chart showing Sales vs Revenue for a country and  replicate this chart for different countries  in the same sheet . Or lets say is there a way to multi select countries from a list box and have each chart linked to each selection in the list box?

Thanks for your help.

15 Replies
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Per Requirement  the data  needs to be presented in a pre-defined tabular format and not in the form of a chart hence its necessary to use straight table or pivot table. In my case pivotting helps hence i ended up using pivot table.

ITs data showing sales and revenue as measures for different prodcuts across different months.

Master III
Master III

I am getting the feeling you are using QlikView as a reporting tool, not as an analysis tool .

It can be arranged what you want, but you will have to use Set Analysis for every chart pointing at one country.

Maybe ask the customer what the question is he is trying to answer (and than answer that question) instead of trying to build the answer he has in mind?

May you live in interesting times!
Not applicable

Yes correct, we are using it as a reporting tool. Set Analysis is what came to my mind as the first option but the list of countries we would like to analyse or present at a time change often based on few conditions. Hence the other solution is thought was to display the list of specific countries via SQl logic into list box and then if there is a way that i can represent the chart pointing to each country present in the list box.

Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni

You could add the country to the pivot table as mentioned above and then drag/move the dimension to the top of the chart.

Not applicable

Dragging the country to the top as dimension  wont help since we need isolated pivot tables for each country.

Country: US

Products       Sales        Revenue

A                   aaa            bbb

B                   xtrrr           cccc

Country: UK

Products      Sales          Revenue

A                   aaa               bbb

B                   xtrrr              cccc

one after the other for each country where the countries keep on changing dynamically.

Not applicable

I have a fixed image of the type of the report that they need and it needs to look exactly like that one.