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Round off issue in Pivot Table

Hi All,

We are using a Pivot Table, and in the Pivot table we are making the expression as Integer. Also we are displaying the total of the values.

But the total and sum of individual values are not matching ( given below in yellow).

Data in the Pivot table given below. Please could you advise?


Business UnitTotal12345678


Sijo Joseph

2 Replies
Not applicable

Try wrapping your expression in the ROUND() function instead of using the 'Integer' option.

Here is some more info on the ROUND() function:

Round up

Former Employee
Former Employee

There are several things that could cause this.

First, the for the total, the rounding is made after the calculation of the total. This could explain why it says 60023 when the 8 columns sum to 60021.

Secondly, the total does not sum the 8 rows - instead it sums all the records in the background. So, if a specific transaction due to the data model can belong to more than one column, the amount will be counted twice in the columns but only once in the total.

Thirdly, if your expression uses an unaggregated field reference, this might be well defined on the lowest level in the pivot, and then the row will contribute to the number. But it may not be well defined in the total and then the row will not contribute.

You need to post a sample app if we are to find out where the problem is.