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Scatter Chart problem

Hi dear QV Community

I have a scatter graph in which the Y axis need all rates given for costs charges seleccioado month, on the X axis margin that occurred on those charges in those rates, the size bubble and the amount of charges in the dimension that gives the color of the bubble, the stratum ("Estrato")

For each of these placed the following expressions

Axis X ->




Sum( {<Base = {1},[%Cuenta contable]={$(=$(vCuentaIngresoCarCon))}>} Valor)  

-Sum( {<Base = {1},[%Cuenta contable]={$(=$(vCuentaCostoCarCon))}>} Valor)  



Sum( {<Base = {1},[%Cuenta contable]={$(=$(vCuentaIngresoCarCon))}>} Valor)  

)   ,  '#.##0,0%') 


Axis Y-->

Avg({<Base = {1},[Tipo de transacción]={'*'}-{'*NOTAS*'},[%Cuenta contable]={$(=$(vCuentaCostoCarCon))}>}Valor)


Buble Size

Count({<Base = {1},[Tipo de transacción]={'*'}-{'*NOTAS*'},[%Cuenta contable]={$(=$(vCuentaCostoCarCon))}>} Valor)





My proble are in Axis Y becose the expression put the Averange of "Valor" but i need all posible values in "Valor" for the Set Analisys conditions {<Base = {1},[Tipo de transacción]={'*'}-{'*NOTAS*'},[%Cuenta contable]={$(=$(vCuentaCostoCarCon))}  I do not know how to do this because I always oblig do some operation (Sum,Avg,Max,Min, ....)on the field.

1 Reply
Master II
Master II


The buble in your chart represents one Estrato value as you use it as dimension.

So you have to aggregate your Valor values for each Estrato thats why you need some function (Sum,Avg,Max,Min, ....).

To get separate bubles for each Valor value, you should use another field as dimension, wich has different values for each Valor value. In this case the Sum() function just apply set analysis statement.