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Script error

Can anyone point me in the right direction of correcting this script - Everything seems to be ok but its failing to load - prob something simple

I'm cert its something to do with the file path actually - recall being told if the files on your desktop that ya uploading it causes the script to full over

Any help be gd



[Aircraft Types]:
LOAD AC_TYPEID as [%Aircraft Type ID],

AC_GROUP as [%Aircraft Group Type],

SSD_NAME as [Aircraft Name],

MANUFACTURER as [Aircraft Manufacturer],

LONG_NAME as [Aircraft Name Full],

SHORT_NAME as [Aircraft Name Abbreviated],

BEGIN_DATE as [Aircraft Begin Date],

END_DATE as [Aircraft End Date]

[..\..\..\..\..\paul\Desktop\Qlikview download\Chapters 1 - 11\QlikView
Development\Airline Operations\Data Files\CSVs\Aircraft_Base_File.csv]

txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, delimiter is ';', msq);

[Aircraft Groups]:
LOAD [Aircraft Group ID] as [%Aircraft Group Type],

[Aircraft Engine Type],

[Aircraft Number Of


[..\..\..\..\..\paul\Desktop\Qlikview download\Chapters 1 - 11\QlikView
Development\Airline Operations\Data Files\CSVs\Aircraft_Group.csv]

txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, delimiter is ';', msq);

32 Replies
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Unfort exactly the same error - I had moved all CSV files before to same error as my working file just pushed out same error - Tried using directory name but still no joy

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi Paul,

Have you followed the steps in my email of a couple of weeks back?

Before reloading delete the Aircraft Group and Aircraft Type list boxes, this step is referenced on page 220 - after the load, but due to a crash introduced in a later version of QlikView you need to do it before the reload.



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Hi Steve

Thanks for your input! Can see you know your way around the book I see the Variable AirTime error with the lower case  t & capital T obviously when your following any book you follow it to the T like a recipe. - l have done exactly what it said on the tin on that one so I will correct that!  What did this time when I started from scratch was created a backup copy following on from behind the one I'm working on (Prob always advisable actually) and each time I got so far I loaded the script to see if it fell over appears all is ok up to the point of having the gauges set up and in place just before replacing the formulas with Variables -  eLoadFactor variable is in place and it wrks fine. However I have noticed a couple things as well as the current script error that I already have that you may be able to shed some light on - When you replace the ePerformedVsScheduled  formula with the variable the Gauge disappears even though you make a number of different selections it doesn't come back ? Just says "No Data Available" know this can happen as looked on gauges on the master - However it should come back at some point obviously. The Air Time gauge I'm having the same prob with to actually - I did do this manually as I preserved for days with the Find & replace tool and it just wasn't working for me even though all my formulas were entered & edit with the drop downs & paste option it still wasn't picking them up - I got past this actually on my first original attempt but do recall having exactly the same prob when replacing the formulas with variables - Any help is much appreciated!



Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi Paul,

I'm quite familiar with the text, as I was actually a technical editor on the book.  I also use it as the basis for the regular training courses I run.  I therefore see delegates hitting the pitfalls as they work through the exercises.

I can't specifically recall an issue with that variable on the gauges, but I would double check the variable name  - including upper and lower case characters.  Also check that the code that you thought you put in against the variable actually is against the variable.  There is a nasty gotcha in QlikView where you create a new variable and then immediately type in the code for it - that code is then lost.when you close the variable window.  To ensure the code is stored you need to click on the variable name after creating it and before entering the variable value.

If you reduce the data from the app (File \ Reduce Data \ Remove All Data) you can then post it up here and I can load it against my copy of the data files.  It is probably something with a simple explanation.



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Hi Steve

I can see you know your Qlik

Think I went over & over those variables so many times I know them off by heart - Prob is something that a experienced eye can see and I've missed. I know it warns you to highlight the new Variable on the Variable overview when typing in your formula which I've done. Whats strange is once you add it to the gauges they disappear well the ePerformedVsScheduled does the Air time stays but disappears on and off when making selections which could be norm - not sure. But on the Expression overview all looks ok on all the variables that I entered

Anyway thanks for your input - see what you can make of it hope did this right in removing the data its a backup copy anyway



Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi Paul,

I'm slightly confused by the load script, as it references both the QVDs and the CSVs as being in the same folder as the QVW (i.e. there is no path provided).  The source data is not laid out like that.

When I fixed up the load script so that all files could load the gauges all showed fine.  With the QVW saved in the Apps folder the path should read like this:  ..\Data Files\CSVs\Origin Markets.csv  The same is true of the Access database: ..\Data Files\MDBs\Dimension Tables.mdb

Do you currently get any warnings on reload?  It may be that some fields required by the gauges simply are not there.

Attached is a copy of the file where I have fixed up the script, reloaded and reduced the data (but left a few rows).

Hope that helps,


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Hi Steve

I've moved the files all over the show that was to try and sort the orig error I had with the file path.. You are correct the CSV's & QVD's are in same folder now

Files were all laid out originally as outlined in the book on my desk top - that was until things went belly up with the file path. I then moved them around to see if it would sort the prob out

Unfort can't open what you have done -  Unless you know of a way ?

Could be in trying to resolve one prob I've created another

Only re-load I've done is the one where it falls over with the file path which was my prob in first instance

Maybe I need to start again clear everything re-create my folders see how I get on - At this rate I'll be able to do it with my eyes shut which I guess is not such bad thing lol

Your a big help actually! Your cert pointing out what's a miss and whats not!



Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi Paul,

Suspect the reason you can't open my changes is that you are running Personal Edition?

I would certainly try a reload, and make sure it goes through with no errors.  You may need to adjust some paths to make that work.

I think it is more likely to be partial data from a previous failed load than the variable - otherwise I would have not been able to see the gauges working this end.

Good luck!


Not applicable

Hi Steve

Yes I'm running Personal Edition

I will have another go see where that takes me - Let you know how I get on with it

Many thanks


Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Another thing you can do is open the solution for the chapter and then delete the things that you have not yet created, in order to build them yourself.
