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Hi All,
I have loaded some tables from an oracle Datebase.
After loading when i am trying to reload it. The execution of script continues indefinitely.
Can any one please tell me when this type of situation arises and how to resolve it.
HI Miguel
Thanks for your reply.The script is loading all the tables and fetching all the rows but the thing is it is not finishing
I am attaching the screen shot.
i have these many of tables only. but the execution is not finishing after fetching the tables.
Hello Sunil,
When you say it keeps loading, you mean it doesn't stop pulling records from database? It seems some script error, but not knowing your script is hard to say.
HI Miguel
Thanks for your reply.The script is loading all the tables and fetching all the rows but the thing is it is not finishing
I am attaching the screen shot.
i have these many of tables only. but the execution is not finishing after fetching the tables.
This often happens when you create too many synthetic keys ($Syn), which come when you load data from different tables and tables have many attribute names that are the same.
Try debuging it and send another screenshot like the one that you posted up - this way you will see whether there are $Syn keys.
Best regards,Miha
Hi Sunil,
It's likely to be some process in your script that never ends, kind of waiting for something. It would be possible that QlikView is creating unwanted synthetic keys and take too long to finish? After loading table DimDates, is there any other instruction in the script?
Try debuggin checking "Limited Load" and set 1 or 2 records per table, and see where it stops.
HI Miha and Miguel,
I think ther may be a lot of synthetic keys that is forming while loading the script and qlikview unable to show these many complex synthetic keys..
Thanks to both oh you for your reply.
Hi Sunil,
If possible please check the button reloading info "close when script is finished".Enable this.
Thanks & Regards
Hi jai,
I have already checked the option Close when script is finished.
I think the real problem is of resolving a lot of synthetic keys can't be handled smoothly by qlikview.
Thanks for your reply
If possible share your data model with limited load about 100 or 1000 rows
Thanks & Regards
Please Apply Qualify *; in the Main tab .
it will help you to Identify whether it is Just Because of Synthetic Key or anything Else.
After this the Fields Will look Like \
TableName.Field Name1