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Section Access Issue

Dear All,

I have implemented section access using NTNAME[Working with ActiveDirectory] and have deployed in the server but i am not able to see the application in Access point with my user.

EX: Section Access;

      Load * Inline [

       ACCESS,NTNAME,ZONE        ////Field level Access

       ADMIN, ADMIN,


    Section Application;

2. Have enabled the Allow Secction access and Strict Inclusive option[Document Properties>Opening]

Qlikview Directory services are also enabled.

What could be the reasons for not able to see in AccessPoint?

Thanks in advance...

3 Replies

One that comes at a first glance is that NTNAME always gets a value in the form DOMAIN\USER, while your ADMIN does not have it.


Creator III
Creator III

Miquel's point is a good one.




If your line of code is just an example, there could be a few other things going on. For one, if your acocunt is a user (not in your example load) you can't leave the reduction field blank. Only admins can have blank reduction fields. * actually meansall listed reduction fields, so you have to know all possible values are listed somewhere in the column.

Good luck. I have spent the last nine months getting aquanted with section access. My advice. Always have lots of backups.

Champion II
Champion II

Section Access;

      Load * Inline [

       ACCESS,NTNAME,ZONE        ////Field level Access

       ADMIN, Domain\USERID,*


    Section Application;

load and save and open again to see the access

hope this help

Sunil Chauhan