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We have a report where we need to provide section access based on Teacher name:
Eg: If Class teacher (Ann) handles 2 students, I only want those students marks to be view-able for him/her.
Please find example table below:
Class Teacher | Class | Student Name |
Ann | 5th | A1 |
Ann | 5th | A2 |
Sue | 5th | B1 |
Mary | 7th | B2 |
Jack | * | * |
This being said, I don't want to set it this way for all class teachers. The Principal (Jack) will have to view all students’ data.
Using * logic is not possible, as I will have to have all students’ name in the section access file to achieve this. The number of students maybe around 200 and having that many entry isn’t optimal. Also, the number of students will keep increasing.
Please let me know if there is any work around for achieving this.
You could create a LINK table in your section application that links all Student Name values with itself and with another value 'ALL':
LOAD [Student Name], Upper([Student Name]) as REDUCTION
RESIDENT YourStudentTable;
LOAD [Student Name], 'ALL' as REDUCTION
RESIDENT YourStudentTable;
Then, in your section access table, use field REDUCTION to filter the students and use value ALL for the principal.
edit: I think you should use upper case values for the reduction field (also for the field name).
Dear Jibin,
Below a few explains and suggestions:
- Section Access, when applied with reduction, need to set all users access. If you don´t select this users from a file or database, this teachers will not be linked in a correct students;
- The option "*" you don´t need if you want to set "all users". You can use just a blank field.
- When we use a environment when users on section access made changes and need permit, we create a simple/routine code with separate situations: the defined users and the other with * ou blank field. In you case, you can select from database this informations and create this code to format you table.
I hope help you.
Hi, could you prehaps use examples of this using ACCESS, NTNAME, and a REDUCTION field. Sorry I am not understanding it, I am fairly new to section access.