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Set analysis help Expression

2020-05-311111012CSouthRetail ADigital A
2020-05-312222132VNorthRetail BDigital B
2020-06-302222472HEastRetail CDigital C
2020-06-303333475UEastRetail CDigital F
2020-06-304444413NWestRetail DDigital G
2020-07-312222763IEastRetail DDigital H
2020-07-315555472HEastRetail CDigital C
2020-07-304444472HEastRetail CDigital C


This is the employee data, i want create headcount analysis.

I cannot do anything in the script. All data will just get appended anymonth.

User will select 2 months for comparison and 

They want get  New to the company, Retained , Resigned from the company, Internal transfer

this should be valid based on selection of Region, Department and Team

So when i compare June and July Month i  select  only Team (Digital C ), I should get output

New to Bank: 1 (Employee 5555)

Resigned from Bank: 0

Internal Transfer: + 1 (Employee 4444)

Internal Transfer: -1(Employee 2222)


So when i compare June and July Month i  select only Region (East) , I should get output

New to Bank: 1 (Employee 5555)
Resigned from Bank: 1 (Employee 3333)
Internal Transfer: +1 ( Employee 4444 )
Internal Transfer: -0

Note: Any two months can be selected for comparison, Jan Mar, Jan Nov, Feb Apr, June Nov, etc

Hint: Lowest grain is Team Code, If team code of employee is present and not present in last month , he is new to the bank,
if team code of employee is not present this month but present in last month, his has resigned

if team code is present for both month but different and it is same as filter selection, +ve internal transfer,

if team code is present for both month but different and it is  not same as filter selection, -ve internal transfer


I have a composite key of EmployeeID,Teamcode at the backend if useful

Labels (2)
22 Replies


1111 - Why it is not been considered as Resigned?

2222 - TeamCode and Team are different. How you say it is +ve internal transfer


Question ->1111 - Why it is not been considered as Resigned? : 


Because i have taken June July are comparing month.
At a time two months will be there for comparison.

If we would have compared May June or May July, 1111 would be resigned.


Question->2222 - TeamCode and Team are different. How you say it is +ve internal transfer

1st condition - he should not be totaly new to company, he/she should have some Teamcode tagged in previous month.

2nd condition - Team code should be different comparing two month

3rd condition - which ever teamcode and its related team is selected , if  team code of current(higher month) is same its +ve transfer



I am still not clear.

2020-05-31 2222 132V North Retail B Digital B
2020-06-30 2222 472H East Retail C Digital C
2020-07-31 2222 763I West Retail D Digital H
2020-06-30 4444 413N West Retail D Digital G
2020-07-30 4444 445B West Retail D Digital E

With the above sample, please tell me where you are seeing as same team and which one is not?


I am also not clear on Internal transfers, but the first two could be

='New to Bank: ' &
Count(DISTINCT {<EmployeeID = P({<AsOfMonthYear = {"$(=Max({<Team>}AsOfMonthYear))"}, Team>})*e({<AsOfMonthYear = {"$(=Min({<Team>}AsOfMonthYear))"}, Team>}), Team>} EmployeeID)
& '(' &
Concat(DISTINCT {<EmployeeID = P({<AsOfMonthYear = {"$(=Max({<Team>}AsOfMonthYear))"}, Team>})*e({<AsOfMonthYear = {"$(=Min({<Team>}AsOfMonthYear))"}, Team>}), Team>} EmployeeID, ',')


='Resigned: ' &
Count(DISTINCT {<EmployeeID = e({<AsOfMonthYear = {"$(=Max({<Team>}AsOfMonthYear))"}, Team>})*p({<AsOfMonthYear = {"$(=Min({<Team>}AsOfMonthYear))"}, Team>}), Team>} EmployeeID)
& '(' &
Concat(DISTINCT {<EmployeeID = e({<AsOfMonthYear = {"$(=Max({<Team>}AsOfMonthYear))"}, Team>})*p({<AsOfMonthYear = {"$(=Min({<Team>}AsOfMonthYear))"}, Team>}), Team>} EmployeeID, ',')



Resigned and New are captured in this code.

SET DateFormat='YYYY-MM-DD';

    AsOfDate, EmployeeID, TeamCode, Region, Department, Team
    2020-05-31, 1111, 012C, South, Retail A, Digital A
    2020-05-31, 2222, 132V, North, Retail B, Digital B
    2020-06-30, 2222, 472H, East, Retail C, Digital C
    2020-06-30, 3333, 475U, East, Retail C, Digital F
    2020-06-30, 4444, 413N, West, Retail D, Digital G
    2020-07-31, 2222, 763I, West, Retail D, Digital H
    2020-07-31, 5555, 472H, North, Retail B, Digital C
    2020-07-31, 4444, 445B, West, Retail D, Digital E

Left Join(tab1)
LOAD Date(Max(AsOfDate)) As CurrMonth, Date(Max(AsOfDate,2)) As PrevMonth
Resident tab1
Let vCurrMonth=Peek('CurrMonth');
Let vPrevMonth=Peek('PrevMonth');

Left Join(tab1)
LOAD EmployeeID, 
	 Min(AsOfDate='$(vCurrMonth)') As F3, Min(AsOfDate='$(vPrevMonth)') As F4
Resident tab1
Where Match(AsOfDate,'$(vCurrMonth)','$(vPrevMonth)')
Group By EmployeeID
Left Join(tab1)
LOAD *, If(F3<F4, 'New',If(F3>F4, 'Resigned')) As Status
Resident tab1;




If I understand on the Internal Transfer logic,

SET DateFormat='YYYY-MM-DD';

    AsOfDate, EmployeeID, TeamCode, Region, Department, Team
    2020-05-31, 1111, 012C, South, Retail A, Digital A
    2020-05-31, 2222, 132V, North, Retail B, Digital B
    2020-06-30, 2222, 472H, East, Retail C, Digital C
    2020-06-30, 3333, 475U, East, Retail C, Digital F
    2020-06-30, 4444, 413N, West, Retail D, Digital G
    2020-07-31, 2222, 763I, West, Retail D, Digital H
    2020-07-31, 5555, 472H, North, Retail B, Digital C
    2020-07-31, 4444, 445B, West, Retail D, Digital E

Left Join(tab1)
LOAD Date(Max(AsOfDate)) As CurrMonth, Date(Max(AsOfDate,2)) As PrevMonth
Resident tab1
Let vCurrMonth=Peek('CurrMonth');
Let vPrevMonth=Peek('PrevMonth');

Left Join(tab1)
LOAD EmployeeID, Count(DISTINCT Department) As F1,
	 Min(AsOfDate='$(vCurrMonth)') As F3, Min(AsOfDate='$(vPrevMonth)') As F4
Resident tab1
Where Match(AsOfDate,'$(vCurrMonth)','$(vPrevMonth)')
Group By EmployeeID
Left Join(tab1)
LOAD *, If(F3<F4, 'New',If(F3>F4, 'Resigned', If(F1>1 And AsOfDate='$(vCurrMonth)','+ve Internal Transfer','-ve Internal Transfer'))) As Status
Resident tab1
Where Match(AsOfDate,'$(vCurrMonth)','$(vPrevMonth)');

A bug was fixed in this version.

SET DateFormat='YYYY-MM-DD';

    AsOfDate, EmployeeID, TeamCode, Region, Department, Team
    2020-05-31, 1111, 012C, South, Retail A, Digital A
    2020-05-31, 2222, 132V, North, Retail B, Digital B
    2020-06-30, 2222, 472H, East, Retail C, Digital C
    2020-06-30, 3333, 475U, East, Retail C, Digital F
    2020-06-30, 4444, 413N, West, Retail D, Digital G
    2020-07-31, 2222, 763I, West, Retail D, Digital H
    2020-07-31, 5555, 472H, North, Retail B, Digital C
    2020-07-31, 4444, 445B, West, Retail D, Digital E

Left Join(tab1)
LOAD Date(Max(AsOfDate)) As CurrMonth, Date(Max(AsOfDate,2)) As PrevMonth
Resident tab1
Let vCurrMonth=Peek('CurrMonth');
Let vPrevMonth=Peek('PrevMonth');

Left Join(tab1)
LOAD EmployeeID, Count(DISTINCT Department) As F1,
	 Min(AsOfDate='$(vCurrMonth)') As F3, Min(AsOfDate='$(vPrevMonth)') As F4
Resident tab1
Where Match(AsOfDate,'$(vCurrMonth)','$(vPrevMonth)')
Group By EmployeeID
Left Join(tab1)
LOAD *, If(F3<F4, 'New',If(F3>F4, 'Resigned', If(AsOfDate='$(vCurrMonth)',If(F1>1,'+ve Internal Transfer','-ve Internal Transfer')))) As Status
Resident tab1
Where Match(AsOfDate,'$(vCurrMonth)','$(vPrevMonth)');

