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Sheet Trigers

I have a filter/ Multibox called "Subscriber Type" having following values:


Digital + Print

Non Subscriber

Now I am trying to create an action/triger that when I open the sheet that filter should by default select "Digital" every time.

To get this I am doing followings:

Sheet properties >> Trigers >> OnActiviteSheet Add Actions >> Select in Field >> Select Field is  "= [Subscriber Type]" and String is "= 'Digital'

but it is not working and not selecting Digital in the filter.

Am I doing something wrong here?

Plesae advise?



20 Replies
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Save the file in the position you want it opened in.

This includes selections, positions, sheet opened, containers selected.




Use Open Trigger in Document propeties -> Active sheet -> give sheetID

Hope that helps

Thanks & Regards, Mayil Vahanan R
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How can I add more than two values to select from a field when sheet is activited?

I am trying to select both 'Print' and 'Print + Digital' to be selected when sheet is activited.

I am wring like this:

='Print, Print + Digital'

Am I doning some thing wrong here?




Try like this

vTest is a variable, use vTest , value: 'Print, Print + Digital'

And use it in the search string


Thanks & Regards, Mayil Vahanan R
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I dont have qv open but to make a second selection use the trigger option

directly below select in field as many times as you want.

This puts it into current selection box exactly like it would if you

naturally selected them.

On Sep 28, 2012 4:22 PM, "Mayil Vahanan Ramasamy" <>

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Hi Ramasamy,

Can you please attached a sample qvw?

I am sorry I didn't get your explanation 😞


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I dont have qv open but to make a second selection use the trigger option directly below select in field as many times as you want.

select in field must be first.  then the option right below it as many times as you want.

This puts it into current selection box exactly like it would if you naturally selected them.



On open the file ,it selects the digital and digital+printer option, please see the attached file

Hope that helps

Thanks & Regards, Mayil Vahanan R
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Ramasamy, Thanks for your video but I created same variable and tried to used it but I did not work for me.

And one more questions please. I have list of IP address and I want to select first 1000 in the list. How Can I make selection for first 1000 IP Address?





In script you can use first 1000 Load * from tablename


=if(Aggr(Rank(IP),IP) < 1000, IP) in list box expression

Thanks & Regards, Mayil Vahanan R
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