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I have filter whose values are Yes /No
So based on the below conditions i want to show/hide an object
I having issues implementing all the three conditions at once. I hoping someone can help me to figure this thing out?
Thanks in advance.
for expression1: =max(match(YesNoField,'No'))
for expression2: =max(match(YesNoField,'Yes'))
Can you post an example qvw?
Maybe something like...
(GetFieldSelections ([YourFlag])='no'
or GetSelectedCount([YourFlag])=0
or GetSelectedCount([YourFlag])=2
Looking at your original post I'm not sure your conditions are quite right?.. where no value is selected or both values are selected both expression 1 and and expression 2 would apply. Is that what you mean?
for expression1: =max(match(YesNoField,'No'))
for expression2: =max(match(YesNoField,'Yes'))
What I will look to do is have a variable in Variable Overview window or move it into the script (entirely up to you) but it content will be
vTest = IF(IsNull(Data) OR GetCurrentSelections(Data) ='No' ,0, 1)
Please note
Data here is the field you want to monitor so replace it with the field of interest to you.
Then in the object you want to show or hide. Go to the properties - Layout - Show Conditions and enter vTest = 0.
When you make selection in the field you want to monitor the object will disappear.
Try this
You can solve that issue setting up an "array variable"
Check the attached example
I have a similar, likely easier scenario. Can you assist?
I have field (Project) that contains 'n' number of project values.
I want to create a Text Object that will only show the Project value when a user selects 1 value from the 'Project' List Box selection; Else the Text Object should not show. I don't want to use a Button to drive this, simply the user selects a project value and then this Text Object displays that Project value, else the Text Box object doesn't show. Thanks!!