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Your help would be very much appreciated. I have, what I think is, a simple setup with Budget line items (BLI), Statements of work (SOW, aka Purchase Order) and Transactions (Trxn, aka Paid). The Bugdet includes, for each BLI, a monthly budget and forecast. All the input is XLS.
When I create a QV table of sums by year, the yearly sum are not correct – the total is correct.
If I add a column to my Trxn table, TrxnYear, I can get the table above to work BUT if I add sum(TrxnAmount) to any other table, it has the same error.
Below is my data structure, the budget XLS and excerpts from a table box that lists the transactions. I have included my MasterCalendar script also. Below the structure are excerpts from a table box that lists the transactions demonstrate the issue…see Year in the last column (this is before I added TrxnYear).
Budget table (XLS)
When I ask to see Just 2016
When I ask to see just 2017
When I ask for ALL years (these dups don’t appear when I remove the Year column)
These dups don’t appear when I remove the Year column.
Hi Karen
Try to get all the Facts in one fact table. The granularity could be different from for Actual transactions, budget & forecast. Having one fact table makes everything easier on the front end.
Hope this help you.
Nav Pienaar
Are you filtering on the correct year?
TrxnYear from Trxn table should be filtered on not Year from Master calendar .
I think your budget table has same blin numbers for multiple dates across both years
Create a composite key with a combination of blin and date to connect budget and Sow tables
I am using TrxnYear, I think. I'll have to see. how can I use a different year in the same table - as in BudgetYear for the Budget sum and TrxnYear for the Trxn sum?
Are my answers in Canonical Calendar and/or HERE?
If so...having difficulty implementing a Canonical Calendar.
Forgot to include my Master Calendar Script
Min(BudgetDate) as MinDate,
Max(BudgetDate) as MaxDate
LET vMinDate = Num(Peek('MinDate', 0,'MinMax'));
LET vMaxDate = Num(Peek('MaxDate', 0,'MinMax'));
LET vToday = $(vMaxDate);
//*********Temporary Calendar*********
date($(vMinDate) + rowno() - 1) As TempDate
$(vMaxDate) - $(vMinDate) + 1;
//*********Master Calendar*********
TempDate As BudgetDate,
Week(TempDate) as Week,
Year(TempDate) as Year,
Month(TempDate) as Month,
Day(TempDate) as Day,
WeekDay(TempDate) as WeekDay,
'Q' & ceil(month(TempDate) / 3) as Quarter,
Date(monthstart(TempDate), 'MMM-YYYY') as MonthYear,
Week(TempDate)&'-'&Year(TempDate) as WeekYear,
inyeartodate(TempDate, $(vToday), 0) * -1 as CurYTDFlag,
inyeartodate(TempDate, $(vToday), -1) * -1 as LastYTDFlag
Instead of connecting trxn to >> Sow to >> Budget
Change it to Sow >> Trxn >> to Budget
Applymap Blino to Trxn table using purchaseorderid , drop the field Blino from Sow and let it connect to Trxn only with purchaseorderid
In trxn table Create a key with Blino & TranDate as Key
In Budget table create a key with Blino & Budget Date as Key
Rename the Blino field in both tables, Trxn and Budget table to avoid a synthetic key
Even better would be to create a link table with a master calendar
Sow >> Trxn >> Link table with keys from both tables + Calendar fields >> Budget table
I am going to try BLINo+Date to add an key to the forecast and remove Forecast to a separate table with no date. I don't want to add BLINo to the Trxn, as that would be only semi-automated. The automated extract includes SOW, but no reference to the BLI.
BLI have monthly budget amount and monthly forecast amounts
BLIs can have multiple SOWs. SOWs can have multiple transactions - sometimes more than one a month.
I've worked thru a few options - learning now the mapping and link table work. So now I think I understand what you are suggesting. I will try that tomorrow. And let you know!
Hi Karen
Try to get all the Facts in one fact table. The granularity could be different from for Actual transactions, budget & forecast. Having one fact table makes everything easier on the front end.
Hope this help you.
Nav Pienaar