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I have some graphs that take a little while to recalculate. Just a few seconds, but enough to be annoying.
At present any selection triggers the graphs to recalculate, which would become quite frustrating for a user.
I would like to keep the current graph showing, ie not recalculate it, until a selection is made which would change it.
I have used triggers to create a variable, vRecalculate, which is set to 1 if a selection is made which will change the graph, 0 otherwise.
If I put this in the calculation condition of the graph then the graph actually disappears when a selection is made which wouldn't alter it. That isn't what I am looking for. I want the old graph to stay, but not try to refresh, when vRecalculate is 0, and only to refresh when vRecalculate is 1.
I guess this is kind of analogous to turning on manual calculation in excel.
Is this possible?
The only way I know to stop a recalculation while keeping the graph visible is to Detach the object. You can do this from the front end by right clicking the object and clicking Detach. The detach state is not saved or persisted when you close the document, so the object will be re-attached. Perhaps a macro could do detach/attach an object?
I am not sure if this will work for you but you might try using Set analysis and ignore certain selections but this might of course cause problem if you at sometime during your analysis actually want to calculate based on "ignored" selections. You can also set conditions on the actual expressions as well as on the whole graph. Check out "Whats new in QV11" for an example of this, the "select metric" on the dashboard controls what expressions to calculate in the actual graphs.