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Is it possible to style text in a textbox.
I would like to put one part of the text in bold and the other part not.
Should I use HTML and CSS or are there some basic styling functions in qlikview?
,KR Koen
You could do it with an extension like these: QlikTip #39: Displaying Html content within QlikView (Minimalistic HtmlTextBox Object Extension)
- Marcus
Hi @Koen Bal
Best option would be to use 2 text boxes
thats not possible. as a workaround you could use an extra transparent textbox with bold text which you could overlay.
Hi Koen,
You better insert image as per required font Instead of thinking this way.
Its not possible in Qlikview, you need to make use of Macro or multiple text box to achieve the same but in same text box to style format is not possible
Depending on the layout you could use a straight or pivot table and have the text in the expression (no dimension) and play around with the layout (ie, horizontal or vertical layout). That way you can do the different formatting on each expression.
You could do it with an extension like these: QlikTip #39: Displaying Html content within QlikView (Minimalistic HtmlTextBox Object Extension)
- Marcus
Could someone elaborate on the 2 boxes hack ?. I tried the extension mentioned here but that doesn't work for me. Thank you.