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Hi folks,
I have following requirement.
i have one list box for Month field.. i have expression for sum(sales) . if no month selected i need to show 12 months total sales. and if i selected april month i need to sum sales upto april..(Sum(sales)for jan feb march april(accumulation))..how can i do this...
Thanks in Advance..
If you select Arpil, with sum(sales) in your expression you have the sales of April.
With sum({<Month={'<=$(=Max(Month))'}>} sales) in your expression, you have the sales from january to April
in your expression :
sum({<Month={'<=$(=Max(Month))'}>} sales)
Sum(sales) - itself does it so by default.
what about no selection condition??
can i have detailed code..pease...
If you select Arpil, with sum(sales) in your expression you have the sales of April.
With sum({<Month={'<=$(=Max(Month))'}>} sales) in your expression, you have the sales from january to April
hi tresesco,
it ll give only selected mnth sales..i need to show the accumulated sum of mnths...for ex if i select may i need to sum the sales of jan,feb,mar,april,may.
=sum({<Month={'<=$(=Max(Month))'}>} sales)
if no month is selected you will be able to show total sales Till date(meaning max month in datasource)
and if you select a month(in your case 'April'), April is taken as maximum month and sales is calculated upto here.
Hope its clear.
Dear Venkat
Please find the attached qvw for ur issue, it is working
Kushal T
Sorry, misunderstood earlier. The solution suggested by Yoann Duval, should work. If not, it has to be because of month field data format. Try to share your sample qvw.
i am using personal editor... can i hav code please....