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Creator II
Creator II

Task failed but log shows no error


   I have a dashboard that it failing for the past 2 days. In the log file there is no error, but the email notification which I get when a dashboard fails to reload says the following error.

The task "Trades/Trades.qvw" failed. Part of the log file follows:

3/24/2015 5:26:02 AM Error File is not ok. Target file was not saved.
3/24/2015 5:26:03 AM Error The task "Trades/Trades.qvw" failed. Exception: QDSMain.Exceptions.DistributionFailedException: Distribute failed with errors to follow. ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.ReloadFailedException: Reload failed ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.LogBucketErrorException: File is not ok. Target file was not saved. at QDSMain.ReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, TaskResult taskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at QDSMain.ReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, TaskResult taskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage) at QDSMain.DistributeTask.Execute(TaskResult currentTaskResult) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at QDSMain.DistributeTask.Execute(TaskResult currentTaskResult) at QDSMain.Task.AbstractTask.TaskExecution(ILogBucket logBucket, TaskResult taskResult)

The log shows the following results:

3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:      Execution started.
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:      QlikView Version:11.20.12018.0
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:      CPU Target                    x64
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:      Operating System              Windows Server 2012 Standard  (64 bit edition)
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:      Wow64 mode                    Not using Wow64
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:      MDAC Version                  6.2.9200.16384
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:      MDAC Full Install Version     6.2.9200.16384
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:      PreferredCompression          2
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:      EnableParallelReload          1
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:      ParallelizeQvdLoads           1
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:      AutoSaveAfterReload           0
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:      BackupBeforeReload            0
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:      EnableFlushLog                0
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:      SaveInfoWhenSavingFile        0
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:      UserLogfileCharset            1200
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:      OdbcLoginTimeout              -1
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:      OdbcConnectionTimeout         -1
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:      ScriptWantsDbWrite            false
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:      ScriptWantsExe                false
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:      LogFile CodePage Used:        1200
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:       Reload Executed By AD-CORP\svc_QlikView
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:       Process Executing: QVB
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:       Process ID: 6368
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0002  SET ThousandSep=','
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0003  SET DecimalSep='.'
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0004  SET MoneyThousandSep=','
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0005  SET MoneyDecimalSep='.'
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0006  SET MoneyFormat='$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)'
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0007  SET TimeFormat='h:mm:ss TT'
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0008  SET DateFormat='M/D/YYYY'
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0009  SET TimestampFormat='M/D/YYYY h:mm:ss[.fff] TT'
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0010  SET MonthNames='Jan;Feb;Mar;Apr;May;Jun;Jul;Aug;Sep;Oct;Nov;Dec'
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0011  SET DayNames='Mon;Tue;Wed;Thu;Fri;Sat;Sun'
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0013  SET HidePrefix = '%'
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0015  LET dteFromDate = num('07/01/2014')
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0016  LET dteToDate = num('12/31/2014')
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0017  SET intTopCount = 999999999
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0024  SET cstrStarSchema = 'SS'
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0025  SET cstrFlatFile = 'FF'
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0026  SET cstrParentsFlatChildrenStar = 'FS'
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0027  SET strLoadType = SS
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0029  Trades:
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0030  FIRST 999999999
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0031  LOAD RowNo() as RowNbr,
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0032       Seq_Number as [Trade Seq Nbr],
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0033      
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0034       Account_Key,
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0035      
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0036       Asset_Key,
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0037      
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0038       Branch_Id_Natural_Key_Text As %Branch_Id_Natural_Key,
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0039       Broker_Dealer_Id_Natural_Key_Text As %Broker_Dealer_Id_Natural_Key,
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0040       Representative_Number_Natural_Key_Text As %Representative_Number_Natural_Key,
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0041       Representative_Number_Trade_Blotter_Natural_Key As %Representative_Number_Trade_Blotter_Natural_Key,
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0042      
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0043       Custodian_Natural_Key_Text As %Custodian_Natural_Key,
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0044       Transaction_Indicator_Natural_Key_Text As %Transaction_Indicator_Natural_Key,
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0045       Transaction_Type_Natural_Key_Text As %Transaction_Type_Natural_Key,
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0046 
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0047       Broker_Dealer_Id_Natural_Key_Text & '-' & Account_Natural_Key_Text As %Broker_Dealer_Id_Account_Natural_Key,
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0048       Broker_Dealer_Id_Natural_Key_Text & '-' & Branch_Id_Natural_Key_Text & '-' & Representative_Number_Natural_Key_Text As %Broker_Dealer_Id_Branch_Id_Representative_Number_Natural_Key,
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0049 
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0050       Trade_Date_Natural_Key as [Trade Date],
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0051       Settlement_Date_Natural_Key as [Settlement Date],
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0052 
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0053       Trade_Quantity as [Trade Qty],
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0054       Trade_Price_Per_Share as [$Per Share],
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0055       Trade_Principal_Amount as [$Principal],
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0056       Trade_Other_Fees as [$Trade Fees],
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0057       Trade_Net_Amount as [$Trade Net],
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0058       Trade_Commission_Amount as [$Trade Commission],
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0059       'T' as [%Tab Type]
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0060  FROM
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0061  [..\..\qvdgeneration\trades\data files\qvds\v_fact_trades.qvd] (qvd)
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0062  where Broker_Dealer_Id_Natural_Key_Text = '1'
3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM: 0063

3/24/2015 4:38:56 AM:        22 fields found: RowNbr, Trade Seq Nbr, Account_Key, Asset_Key, %Branch_Id_Natural_Key, %Broker_Dealer_Id_Natural_Key, %Representative_Number_Natural_Key, %Representative_Number_Trade_Blotter_Natural_Key, %Custodian_Natural_Key, %Transaction_Indicator_Natural_Key, %Transaction_Type_Natural_Key, %Broker_Dealer_Id_Account_Natural_Key, %Broker_Dealer_Id_Branch_Id_Representative_Number_Natural_Key, Trade Date, Settlement Date, Trade Qty, $Per Share, $Principal, $Trade Fees, $Trade Net, $Trade Commission, %Tab Type, 45,780,160 lines fetched
3/24/2015 5:00:49 AM: 0066  Assets:
3/24/2015 5:00:49 AM: 0067  LEFT KEEP(Trades)
3/24/2015 5:00:49 AM: 0068  LOAD Asset_Key As Asset_Key,
3/24/2015 5:00:49 AM: 0069       Asset_CUSIP as CUSIP,
3/24/2015 5:00:49 AM: 0070       Asset_Ticker as Ticker,
3/24/2015 5:00:49 AM: 0071       Asset_CUSIP  & '(' & Asset_Ticker & ')' as [CUSIP (Ticker)],
3/24/2015 5:00:49 AM: 0072       Asset_REIT_Flag as [REIT],
3/24/2015 5:00:49 AM: 0073       Asset_REIT_Non_Traded_Flag as [REIT Non Traded],
3/24/2015 5:00:49 AM: 0074       Asset_Leveraged_ETF_Flag as [Leveraged ETF],
3/24/2015 5:00:49 AM: 0075       if(Asset_Leveraged_ETF_Flag='Yes','Leveraged ETF', if(Asset_Leveraged_ETF_Flag='No','Unleveraged ETF', 'n/a')) as LETF,
3/24/2015 5:00:49 AM: 0076    Asset_Inversed_ETF_Flag as [Inversed ETF],
3/24/2015 5:00:49 AM: 0077       if(Asset_Leveraged_ETF_Flag = 'Yes' or Asset_Inversed_ETF_Flag = 'Yes', 'Yes', 'No') as [ETF],
3/24/2015 5:00:49 AM: 0078       Asset_Fund_Name as [Asset Fund Name],
3/24/2015 5:00:49 AM: 0079        Asset_Product_Description as [Asset Product Desc],
3/24/2015 5:00:49 AM: 0080       Asset_Security_Description as [Asset Security Desc]
3/24/2015 5:00:49 AM: 0081  FROM
3/24/2015 5:00:49 AM: 0082  ..\..\qvdgeneration\conformed dimensions\data files\qvds\v_Dim_Assets.qvd
3/24/2015 5:00:49 AM: 0083  (qvd)
3/24/2015 5:00:49 AM:        13 fields found: Asset_Key, CUSIP, Ticker, CUSIP (Ticker), REIT, REIT Non Traded, Leveraged ETF, LETF, Inversed ETF, ETF, Asset Fund Name, Asset Product Desc, Asset Security Desc, 363,690 lines fetched
3/24/2015 5:00:51 AM:       Joining/Keeping
3/24/2015 5:01:04 AM: 0089  Branches:
3/24/2015 5:01:04 AM: 0090  LEFT KEEP(Trades)
3/24/2015 5:01:04 AM: 0091  LOAD Branch_Id_Natural_Key_Text As %Branch_Id_Natural_Key,
3/24/2015 5:01:04 AM: 0092       Branch_Number as [#Branch],
3/24/2015 5:01:04 AM: 0093       Branch_CRD_Branch_Number as [CRD #Branch],
3/24/2015 5:01:04 AM: 0094       [Branch_DRP_First_Name] AS [DRP First Name],
3/24/2015 5:01:04 AM: 0095    [Branch_DRP_Last_Name] AS [DRP Last Name],
3/24/2015 5:01:04 AM: 0096    [Branch_DRP_First_Name] & '  ' & [Branch_DRP_Last_Name] AS [DRP Name],
3/24/2015 5:01:04 AM: 0097       [Branch_Supervision_Region_Name] AS [Supervision Region]
3/24/2015 5:01:04 AM: 0098  FROM
3/24/2015 5:01:04 AM: 0099  ..\..\qvdgeneration\conformed dimensions\data files\qvds\v_Dim_Branches.qvd
3/24/2015 5:01:04 AM: 0100  (qvd)
3/24/2015 5:01:04 AM:        7 fields found: %Branch_Id_Natural_Key, #Branch, CRD #Branch, DRP First Name, DRP Last Name, DRP Name, Supervision Region, 2,373 lines fetched
3/24/2015 5:01:04 AM:       Joining/Keeping
3/24/2015 5:01:17 AM: 0104  [Broker Dealer]:
3/24/2015 5:01:17 AM: 0105  LEFT KEEP(Trades)
3/24/2015 5:01:17 AM: 0106  LOAD Broker_Dealer_Id_Natural_Key_Text As %Broker_Dealer_Id_Natural_Key,
3/24/2015 5:01:17 AM: 0107       Broker_Dealer_Name as [Broker Dealer]
3/24/2015 5:01:17 AM: 0108  FROM
3/24/2015 5:01:17 AM: 0109  ..\..\qvdgeneration\conformed dimensions\data files\qvds\v_Dim_Broker_Dealers.qvd
3/24/2015 5:01:17 AM: 0110  (qvd)
3/24/2015 5:01:17 AM:        2 fields found: %Broker_Dealer_Id_Natural_Key, Broker Dealer, 64 lines fetched
3/24/2015 5:01:17 AM:       Joining/Keeping
3/24/2015 5:01:23 AM: 0115  Custodians:
3/24/2015 5:01:23 AM: 0116  LEFT KEEP(Trades)
3/24/2015 5:01:23 AM: 0117  LOAD Custodian_Natural_Key_Text As %Custodian_Natural_Key,
3/24/2015 5:01:23 AM: 0118       Custodian
3/24/2015 5:01:23 AM: 0119  FROM
3/24/2015 5:01:23 AM: 0120  ..\..\qvdgeneration\conformed dimensions\data files\qvds\v_Dim_Custodians.qvd
3/24/2015 5:01:23 AM: 0121  (qvd)
3/24/2015 5:01:23 AM:        2 fields found: %Custodian_Natural_Key, Custodian, 852 lines fetched
3/24/2015 5:01:23 AM:       Joining/Keeping
3/24/2015 5:01:33 AM: 0124  Indicators:
3/24/2015 5:01:33 AM: 0125  LEFT KEEP(Trades)
3/24/2015 5:01:33 AM: 0126  LOAD Transaction_Indicator_Natural_Key_Text As %Transaction_Indicator_Natural_Key,
3/24/2015 5:01:33 AM: 0127       Discretion_Flag as [Discretion],
3/24/2015 5:01:33 AM: 0128       Principal_Trade_Flag as [Principal Trade],
3/24/2015 5:01:33 AM: 0129       Solicited_Flag as [Solicited],
3/24/2015 5:01:33 AM: 0130       Cancelled_Flag as [Cancelled],
3/24/2015 5:01:33 AM: 0131       Trade_Blotter_Flag as [Trade Blotter Flag]
3/24/2015 5:01:33 AM: 0132  FROM
3/24/2015 5:01:33 AM: 0133  ..\..\qvdgeneration\conformed dimensions\data files\qvds\v_Dim_Indicators.qvd
3/24/2015 5:01:33 AM: 0134  (qvd)
3/24/2015 5:01:33 AM:        6 fields found: %Transaction_Indicator_Natural_Key, Discretion, Principal Trade, Solicited, Cancelled, Trade Blotter Flag, 99 lines fetched
3/24/2015 5:01:33 AM:       Joining/Keeping
3/24/2015 5:01:46 AM: 0140  [Transaction Types]:
3/24/2015 5:01:46 AM: 0141  LEFT KEEP(Trades)
3/24/2015 5:01:46 AM: 0142  LOAD Transaction_Type_Natural_Key_Text As %Transaction_Type_Natural_Key,
3/24/2015 5:01:46 AM: 0143       Transaction_Description as [Trans Desc],
3/24/2015 5:01:46 AM: 0144       Transaction_T_Code as [Trans T Code]    
3/24/2015 5:01:46 AM: 0145  FROM
3/24/2015 5:01:46 AM: 0146  ..\..\qvdgeneration\conformed dimensions\data files\qvds\v_Dim_Transaction_Types.qvd
3/24/2015 5:01:46 AM: 0147  (qvd)
3/24/2015 5:01:46 AM:        3 fields found: %Transaction_Type_Natural_Key, Trans Desc, Trans T Code, 91,544 lines fetched
3/24/2015 5:01:46 AM:       Joining/Keeping
3/24/2015 5:01:58 AM: 0150  Accounts:
3/24/2015 5:01:58 AM: 0151  LEFT KEEP(Trades)
3/24/2015 5:01:58 AM: 0152  LOAD Account_Key,
3/24/2015 5:01:58 AM: 0153    Account_Key As Account_Bridge_Key,
3/24/2015 5:01:58 AM: 0154    Account_Natural_Key_Text As  Account_Natural_Key_a,
3/24/2015 5:01:58 AM: 0155       Account_Number as [#Account],
3/24/2015 5:01:58 AM: 0156       Account_Name as [Account Name],
3/24/2015 5:01:58 AM: 0157    Account_Name & '(' & Account_Number  & ')' as [Account Name (Nbr)],
3/24/2015 5:01:58 AM: 0158    Account_Type,
3/24/2015 5:01:58 AM: 0159       Account_Title as [Account Title],
3/24/2015 5:01:58 AM: 0160       Account_Product_Name as [Acct Prod Name],
3/24/2015 5:01:58 AM: 0161       ProductID as [Acct Prod ID]
3/24/2015 5:01:58 AM: 0162  FROM
3/24/2015 5:01:58 AM: 0163  ..\..\qvdgeneration\conformed dimensions\data files\qvds\v_Dim_Accounts.qvd
3/24/2015 5:01:58 AM: 0164  (qvd)
3/24/2015 5:01:58 AM:        10 fields found: Account_Key, Account_Bridge_Key, Account_Natural_Key_a, #Account, Account Name, Account Name (Nbr), Account_Type, Account Title, Acct Prod Name, Acct Prod ID, 1,073,398 lines fetched
3/24/2015 5:02:01 AM:       Joining/Keeping
3/24/2015 5:02:15 AM: 0166  [Account/Investor Connection]:
3/24/2015 5:02:15 AM: 0167  LEFT KEEP(Trades)
3/24/2015 5:02:15 AM: 0168  LOAD
3/24/2015 5:02:15 AM: 0169    Account_Key AS Account_Bridge_Key,
3/24/2015 5:02:15 AM: 0170       Investor_Key,
3/24/2015 5:02:15 AM: 0171       PrimaryInvestor
3/24/2015 5:02:15 AM: 0172  FROM
3/24/2015 5:02:15 AM: 0173  ..\..\qvdgeneration\conformed dimensions\data files\qvds\v_Fact_Account_Investor_Weighting.qvd
3/24/2015 5:02:15 AM: 0174  (qvd)
3/24/2015 5:02:15 AM:        3 fields found: Account_Bridge_Key, Investor_Key, PrimaryInvestor, 1,152,203 lines fetched
3/24/2015 5:02:16 AM:       Joining/Keeping
3/24/2015 5:02:19 AM: 0176  Investors:
3/24/2015 5:02:19 AM: 0177  LEFT KEEP(Trades)
3/24/2015 5:02:19 AM: 0178  LOAD Investor_Key As Investor_Key,
3/24/2015 5:02:19 AM: 0179    Investor_Natural_Key_Text AS Investor_Natural_Key_a, 
3/24/2015 5:02:19 AM: 0180       Investor_Full_Name as [Investor],
3/24/2015 5:02:19 AM: 0181       Investor_Type,
3/24/2015 5:02:19 AM: 0182       Investor_SubType,
3/24/2015 5:02:19 AM: 0183       Investor_Age,
3/24/2015 5:02:19 AM: 0184       Investor_Age_Band,
3/24/2015 5:02:19 AM: 0185       Investor_Income,
3/24/2015 5:02:19 AM: 0186       Investor_Income_Band,
3/24/2015 5:02:19 AM: 0187       Investor_Net_Worth,
3/24/2015 5:02:19 AM: 0188       Investor_Net_Worth_Band,
3/24/2015 5:02:19 AM: 0189       Investor_Liquid_Net_Worth,
3/24/2015 5:02:19 AM: 0190       Investor_Liquid_Net_Worth_Band,
3/24/2015 5:02:19 AM: 0191       Investor_LegalAddress_State as [Investor Address State]
3/24/2015 5:02:19 AM: 0192  FROM
3/24/2015 5:02:19 AM: 0193  [..\..\qvdgeneration\conformed dimensions\data files\qvds\v_dim_investors.qvd]
3/24/2015 5:02:19 AM: 0194  (qvd)
3/24/2015 5:02:19 AM:        14 fields found: Investor_Key, Investor_Natural_Key_a, Investor, Investor_Type, Investor_SubType, Investor_Age, Investor_Age_Band, Investor_Income, Investor_Income_Band, Investor_Net_Worth, Investor_Net_Worth_Band, Investor_Liquid_Net_Worth, Investor_Liquid_Net_Worth_Band, Investor Address State, 802,757 lines fetched
3/24/2015 5:02:21 AM:       Joining/Keeping
3/24/2015 5:02:23 AM: 0197  Representatives:
3/24/2015 5:02:23 AM: 0198  LEFT KEEP(Trades)
3/24/2015 5:02:23 AM: 0199  LOAD [Representative_Number_Natural_Key] As %Representative_Number_Trade_Blotter_Natural_Key,
3/24/2015 5:02:23 AM: 0200       Representative_Number as [Rep Code],
3/24/2015 5:02:23 AM: 0201       Representative_Name  as [Advisor Name]
3/24/2015 5:02:23 AM: 0202  
3/24/2015 5:02:23 AM: 0203  FROM
3/24/2015 5:02:23 AM: 0204  ..\..\qvdgeneration\conformed dimensions\data files\qvds\v_Dim_Representative_Numbers.qvd
3/24/2015 5:02:23 AM: 0205  (qvd)
3/24/2015 5:02:23 AM:        3 fields found: %Representative_Number_Trade_Blotter_Natural_Key, Rep Code, Advisor Name, 40,844 lines fetched
3/24/2015 5:02:23 AM:       Joining/Keeping
3/24/2015 5:02:34 AM: 0208  [Advisor/Representative Connection]:
3/24/2015 5:02:34 AM: 0209  LEFT KEEP(Trades)
3/24/2015 5:02:34 AM: 0210  LOAD Broker_Dealer_Id_Natural_Key_Text & '-' & Branch_Id_Natural_Key_Text & '-' & Representative_Number_Natural_Key As %Broker_Dealer_Id_Branch_Id_Representative_Number_Natural_Key,
3/24/2015 5:02:34 AM: 0211       Advisor_Id_Natural_Key_Text As %Advisor_Id_Natural_Key
3/24/2015 5:02:34 AM: 0212  FROM
3/24/2015 5:02:34 AM: 0213  ..\..\qvdgeneration\conformed dimensions\data files\qvds\v_Fact_Advisor_Representative_Number_Weighting.qvd
3/24/2015 5:02:34 AM: 0214  (qvd)
3/24/2015 5:02:34 AM:        2 fields found: %Broker_Dealer_Id_Branch_Id_Representative_Number_Natural_Key, %Advisor_Id_Natural_Key, 45,287 lines fetched
3/24/2015 5:02:34 AM:       Joining/Keeping
3/24/2015 5:02:44 AM: 0217  Advisors:
3/24/2015 5:02:44 AM: 0218  LEFT KEEP(Trades)
3/24/2015 5:02:44 AM: 0219  LOAD Advisor_Id_Natural_Key_Text As %Advisor_Id_Natural_Key,
3/24/2015 5:02:44 AM: 0220       Advisor_Full_Name as [Advisor],
3/24/2015 5:02:44 AM: 0221       Advisor_CRD_Number as [Advisor CRD Nbr],
3/24/2015 5:02:44 AM: 0222       Advisor_Home_Mailing_State as [Advisor Home Mailing State]
3/24/2015 5:02:44 AM: 0223  FROM
3/24/2015 5:02:44 AM: 0224  ..\..\qvdgeneration\conformed dimensions\data files\qvds\v_Dim_Advisors.qvd
3/24/2015 5:02:44 AM: 0225  (qvd)
3/24/2015 5:02:44 AM:        4 fields found: %Advisor_Id_Natural_Key, Advisor, Advisor CRD Nbr, Advisor Home Mailing State, 3,602 lines fetched
3/24/2015 5:02:44 AM:       Joining/Keeping
3/24/2015 5:02:46 AM: 0235  Temp:
3/24/2015 5:02:46 AM: 0236  Load
3/24/2015 5:02:46 AM: 0237    num(min([Settlement Date])) as [Min Settlement Date],
3/24/2015 5:02:46 AM: 0238    num(max([Settlement Date])) as [Max Settlement Date],
3/24/2015 5:02:46 AM: 0239    num(min([Trade Date])) as [Min Trade Date],
3/24/2015 5:02:46 AM: 0240    num(max([Trade Date])) as [Max Trade Date],
3/24/2015 5:02:46 AM: 0241    num(min([Trade Qty])) as [Min Trade Qty],
3/24/2015 5:02:46 AM: 0242    num(max([Trade Qty])) as [Max Trade Qty],
3/24/2015 5:02:46 AM: 0243    num(min([$Per Share])) as [Min $Per Share],
3/24/2015 5:02:46 AM: 0244    num(max([$Per Share])) as [Max $Per Share]
3/24/2015 5:02:46 AM: 0245  Resident Trades
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM:        8 fields found: Min Settlement Date, Max Settlement Date, Min Trade Date, Max Trade Date, Min Trade Qty, Max Trade Qty, Min $Per Share, Max $Per Share, 1 lines fetched
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0247  Let vMinSettlementDate = Date(peek('Min Settlement Date', 0, 'Temp'), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0248  Let vMaxSettlementDate = Date(peek('Max Settlement Date', 0, 'Temp'), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0250  Let vMinTradeDate = Date(peek('Min Trade Date', 0, 'Temp'), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0251  Let vMaxTradeDate = Date(peek('Max Trade Date', 0, 'Temp'), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0253  Let vdblMinTradeQty = peek('Min Trade Qty', 0, 'Temp')
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0254  Let vdblMaxTradeQty = peek('Max Trade Qty', 0, 'Temp')
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0256  Let vdblMinPricePerShare = peek('Min $Per Share', 0, 'Temp')
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0257  Let vdblMaxPricePerShare = peek('Max $Per Share', 0, 'Temp')
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0259  Set vSelectedMinSettlementDate = 07/04/2006
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0260  Set vSelectedMaxSettlementDate = 11/25/2015
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0262  Set vSelectedMinTradeDate = 03/25/2008
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0263  Set vSelectedMaxTradeDate = 03/20/2015
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0265  Set vdblSelectedMinTradeQty = 0
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0266  Set vdblSelectedMaxTradeQty = 410020130.2818
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0268  Set vdblSelectedMinPricePerShare = 0
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0269  Set vdblSelectedMaxPricePerShare = 197715
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0271  drop table Temp
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0273  Columns:
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0274  Load * Inline [
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0275  FieldName
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0276  Advisor Name
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0277  Rep Code
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0278  #Branch
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0279  DRP Name
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0280  Supervisor Region
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0281  Custodian
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0282  ]
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM:        1 fields found: FieldName, 6 lines fetched
3/24/2015 5:25:36 AM: 0284  exit script
3/24/2015 5:25:50 AM:      Execution finished.




1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Creator II
Creator II

Answering my question.

The reload was failing due to the lack of disk space.

View solution in original post

2 Replies
Creator II
Creator II

Answering my question.

The reload was failing due to the lack of disk space.

Partner - Contributor
Partner - Contributor

Thank you so much for sharing. I was dealing with the same problem.