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Temporary tables not being dropped


I have a very strange problem: There is one Excel_file from which I load data in several steps:

- There are 4 types of costs in that sheet, so I load 4 tables, one for each cost_type.

- Then one total_table is generated

     - I concatenate to that RESIDENT from each of those 4 tables (one by one)

     - That done, I drop the temporary table

What happens is this:

The 4 temporary tables are created, the total_table is created, it is saved and dropped just as it should

<=> The 4 temporary tables are not dropped though it is in the script, so of course I am getting synthetic keys.

Can anybody help me with that?

I can attach my code no problem. Sample data will be more complicated. I will try to work it out in the debugging_mode. Maybe someone can give me a hint, though.

Thanks a lot!

Best regards,


5 Replies


in the Debugging_mode what happens is this:

- The first two LOADs (from the same Excel_file) are fine.

- Then comes the first of those 4 temp_tables (from a second file)

  => Somehow, the Debugger stops at the NOCONCATENATE keyword and LOADs - but does not forware the "cursor", so the LOAD is done twice!?

Indeed, these 4 "second tables" - with the "-1" as a suffix - are the ones which are not dropped and which form the synthetic keys.

Not applicable


try to concatenate explicitly to the Fact Table and load work tables with NoConcatenate

Like FE:

Worktable1: noconcatenate

Load * from Table2;

FactTable: noconcatenate

load * from Table1;


load * resident WorkTable1;

drop table WorkTable1






thanks for the answer!

I have just found out what is the reason for my woes: It is the NOCONCATENATE keyword - there are 2 Excel_files in that directory, 1 for 2014 and 1 for 2015. That is fine so far. I load them both with the * - but since I have that NOCONCATENATE, the 2 are loaded as 2 separate tables ....

I have to find a way to concatenate those 2 to each other, but not to the tables I loaded before ...

Can you think of a way to do this?

I had similar scenarios before and in one instance what I did was store and drop one table and load it again afterwards, but that is not as straightforward as I'd like to do this ...

Not applicable

I'm not sure if this will solve your issue, but if you are looking to concatenate both years into a single table for each load, you could try to do a loop, you just need to create a blank table to load onto before each loop. Basically just an inline table to concatenate onto and then a directory load loop using your different load requirements.


Hi DataNibble, I used two ways to make that, one is creating an empty table and always concatenate to that table, ie:


LOAD * Inline [dumbfield];

Then when you read from Excel you can use Concatenate(Ladegeräte_Stapler) instead of NoConcatenate.

The other way is to use a variable to use NoConcatenate or Concatenate:

LET vConcatenate = 'NoConcatenate'

FOR EACH file in...



LOAD ....

FROM Excel;

LET vConcatenate = 'Concatenate (Ladegeräte_Stapler)'