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Hi All,
I have straight table with Expression :
EA New = AVG(Aggr(Count({[Item New] <[Fact Flag]={'Sales'}>} DISTINCT [Customer SO Group Area]), [Month Name], [Customer Area SI]))
RO Target = Count({[Item Target] <[Fact Flag]={'Sales'}>} DISTINCT [Customer SO Group Area])
But i'm getting different Total [EA New]/[RO Target]. How can i get Total [EA New]/[RO Target] like in "Yellow"?
And also how can i set background colour of [EA New]/[RO Target] to "Red" if [EA New]/[RO Target] < TOTAL [EA New]/[RO Target]?
I also attach my qvw.
Thanks is advance for any help you can provide
How are you getting 57.75%? Avg of the cells in red? Why including the Null cell (D3)? I got 35.40%, does that look right?
How are you getting 57.75%? Avg of the cells in red? Why including the Null cell (D3)? I got 35.40%, does that look right?
Thanks a lot Sunny for your help
With a little modification expression you gave, i can get result like i want
Awesome, I am glad you were able to make this work. Would you be able to point out what did you do differently to get the right output?
Hi Sunny, i hope i can explain well.
This is your expression [EA New]/[RO Target] :
And this is my expression after modification [EA New]/[RO Target] :
I'm using your expression in yellow and the green. And for your expression in pink i change into Count Total without Sum Total Aggr.
And for Red background color this is my expression :
Thank you
Super, thanks for sharing this. I am glad that you played around with the expression to fine tune it based on your requirement.