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Tricks to getting a nice layout?

I always have a real hard time setting up the layout (getting things to line up or even just getting things in the middle of the page).  I try to use the design grid which makes it a little easier but I still have a pretty hard time.  It takes forever for me to put the numbers in the capiton tab and it usually ends up looking off center or something in the end anyway... anyone have any tricks?

I attached a picture of what I'm talking about.  I'm still very early in the "making this sheet pretty" process so it looks extra terrible, but I don't have an easy way to fix some of the problems.  For example, the "Advanced Presets" button in the middle of the sheet isn't in the middle of the two buttons below it and I really don't want to have to do a lot of math to figure out what would make it line up better.... am I just being lazy or am I missing some "tricks"?

The big white space on the left of the picture says "Had to cut sensitive data", couldn't figure out how to make the font bigger in paint.

2 Replies
Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni


Few tips:

1. Highlight the objects you wish to align (draw a box entirely around them) then use the design icons to perform the appropriate action (enable via: View > Toolbar > Design):


eg: 'Centre Vertically', 'Align Right'.

2. Select an object (or objects - hold shift and select multiple) then use Ctrl+ and arrow key to move the object 1 pixel at a time or Ctrl+Shift and an arrow key to move 10 pixels at a time. This erally makes it easy to allign things.

Personally I never use point 1 or the Design Grid and do everything by eye using point 2.

From your image; I'd move away from using heavily rounded buttons as they are very difficult to judge when it comes to alignment and perhaps put a simple bordered text object round them (set it to be the 'bottom' layer) to group common items together as it draws the eye more efficiently.

Also I try to use colours that are of the same hue, in your image the buttons are bright blue where as the other objects are light grey which makes the 'floating' buttons the draw for the eye making the dashboard seem un-ordered.

I've attached an example where I've used some of the recommendations.

I could go on all day about layout and visulaization but you should have enough there to get you started.

All the best,

Matt - Visual Analytics Ltd

Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni

Matt - Excellent work. Impressive!

Thanks for sharing.

Cheers - DV