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I have expense Month-Year as below.I want to add a trigger to default to the rolling months period.
When I land on a page the trigger should default the Month-Yr from Aug - 2017 to June - 2018.How can I do that ?
Thanks much.
I guess add a sheet level trigger like this:
='>=' & Date(MakeDate(2017, 8, 1), 'MMM-YYYY') & '<=' & Date(MakeDate(2018, 6, 1), 'MMM-YYYY')
This is assuming that Expense Month-Year is created like this in the script:
Date(MonthStart(DateField), 'MMM-YYYY') as [Expense Month-Year]
yup...this is how I have the Month-year created but if I use (2017,8,1) every month I have to manually change it every month right ? Is there any way I can automate that ?
What is the logic for choosing August 1st 2017 and June 1st 2018?
change the bold as your requirement
='>=' & Date(AddMonths(Today(),0), 'MMM-YYYY') & '<=' & Date(AddMonths(Today(),11), 'MMM-YYYY')
But maxgro today is 2016, I think with this logic, he might need this:
='>=' & Date(AddMonths(Today(), 12), 'MMM-YYYY') & '<=' & Date(AddMonths(Today(), 23), 'MMM-YYYY')