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I have a question that I am fairly sure I know the answer to but wanted to check and see if there was a slight chance to save myself some time. I'm building an app with 7 alternate states so we can compare the 7 against each other. One of the triggers that I have for each state is the following:
If the variable c1_Admissions changes then do the following:
='(' & Concat({Cohort1<[Patient MRN]=>}
if(aggr(sum({Cohort1<[Patient MRN]=>} Admission_Flag),[Patient MRN])>= c1_Admissions, [Patient MRN]), '|') & ')'
I was planning to create that trigger 7 times to select patients with a certain number of admissions but was hoping there was an easier way. Any ideas? Thanks!
You can add (after the trigger you mentioned) 6 triggers "Copy state content" from source state Cohort1 to the other 6.
Thanks for the response Elena.
I actually want to have a separate selection for each alternate state so I don't want to copy the selection from one to another. My plan is to build 7 variables and 7 triggers to support this functionality but if I could do it all with 1 trigger and 1 variable that would be a much easier build, but I don't think that is possible (sadly).