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Contributor II
Contributor II

Unable to set an object border colour to transparent


This problem initially arose from a desire to toggle object borders on and off. This facility would be useful during dashboard design so I know the area they encompass for triggers etc.

Breaking the problem down,

When this formula...


is placed in a text box as a calculated fill colour, it does what it should and renders the fill transparent.

However when the same formula is placed as a calculated border colour, it produces a black border, the 'chosen colour' does however indicate transparent!!

In context, in case it helps and in case there are alternative solutions, this was the plan...

          Variable             vBorderOn = 0             // start value

          Button Action     =if(vBorderOn, 0, 1)     // toggles the value

          Formula             =if(vBorderOn, ARGB(255,0,0,0), ARGB(0,0,0,0))         // either black or transparent

(it works when the conditional formula is placed in as the calculated fill colour, but not if in as the calculated border colour)

I am using QlikView v11.20

Any thoughts or suggestions on what is happening and how to solve this one would be great.

Many thanks, Alex

6 Replies

Interesting. Probably a bug. As a workaround you could use a variable to set the color of whatever is behind the object (usually the sheet) and use the same color for the border of the object. That way it won't be transparent, but it will be the same color as the background color of the object it's placed on.

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand
Master II
Master II

As a workaround, you could use a macro to turn the borders on and off.

Contributor II
Contributor II

Thanks Gysbert but we will have small objects on top of, or overlapping, larger objects or images and so no continuous colour throughout to hide the border on.

Contributor II
Contributor II

Thanks m w,

this is interesting I didn't know Qlikview did macros!!

I've just found ...  on Macro tutorial courtesy of jvitantonio which I will look into in more depth.

However I have found this off that document...

rem ** set thin border for all objects on active sheet **

set sh = ActiveDocument.ActiveSheet

for i = 0 to sh.NoOfSheetObjects-1

    set obj = sh.SheetObjects(i)

    frame = obj.GetFrame

    frame.BorderEffect = 1    'depressed border

    obj.SetBorder frame


which I think, when I understand it, may do the job for me  🙂


Initial training now complete and playing with QV,

I'll update this further when I get a chance to play with the macros with an outcome but currently macros on hold as has been classified as luxury not necessity at this particular time.

Master II
Master II

If you don't want to go the macro route, you could put a textbox with a border under the object that doesn't have a border. Then size the textbox so that the border shows around the object.

Now you can use a variable to show or hide the textbox.

Not applicable

This still seems to be broken (QV12 SR5).  Is there a way to report bugs to Qlik?