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Using Aggregate into a Button field

Hi All,

I'm trying to use a calculated expression into a button, I am now putting this:

=aggr(count(distinct [Don - Key]),[Pers - Code])

into the field and


as search string.

It's not working, so I'm not sure. Can I use an expression into the Field? What am I doing wrong?

Thank you for your help,


1 Solution

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Hi Diego,

With your example is more clear that you want to do.

1.- On each button create one action to Select Field

2.- On Field write your field [Pers  - Code]

3.- On respect button write this:

  • For 1 action: ='('&Concat({<[Don - Key]={"=aggr(count(distinct [Don - Key]), [Pers  - Code])=1"}>} Distinct [Pers  - Code],'|')&')'
  • For 2 actions:='('&Concat({<[Don - Key]={"=aggr(count(distinct [Don - Key]), [Pers  - Code])=2"}>} Distinct [Pers  - Code],'|')&')'
  • For 3 action2:='('&Concat({<[Don - Key]={"=aggr(count(distinct [Don - Key]), [Pers  - Code])=3"}>} Distinct [Pers  - Code],'|')&')'
  • For 4 actions:='('&Concat({<[Don - Key]={"=aggr(count(distinct [Don - Key]), [Pers  - Code])=4"}>} Distinct [Pers  - Code],'|')&')'

This expression returns an string with the values of Pers-Code concatenated, and separated by | (qlikview standard for select more than one value) on Don-Key (calculated by =aggr(count(distinct [Don - Key]), [Pers  - Code])) are 1, 2, 3 or 4.


View solution in original post

13 Replies

For select in field action? I doubt. What exactly are you trying to do? Select Pers - Code where Count(DISTINCT [Don - Key]) = 2?

Not applicable

Hi Diego,

On field, you have to return the name of a field, and on expression the value. What do you wanna do with this button?

Which action are you using?


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I'll try to explain

I have a database with people ([Pers - Code] is the code) and they are doing actions that I store in a different table ([Don - Key] is the key of this actions).

I'd like to create a button that give me the possibility to choose people that do a number of actions (2 is just an example) in the current set of selections (so I can't do it in the script).

Using " aggr(count(distinct [Don - Key]),[Pers - Code]) " I can have the number of actions for each people, but I can't create a button to do selections on this

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I'll try to explain

I have a database with people ([Pers - Code] is the code) and they are doing actions that I store in a different table ([Don - Key] is the key of this actions).

I'd like to create a button that give me the possibility to choose people that do a number of actions (2 is just an example) in the current set of selections (so I can't do it in the script).

Using " aggr(count(distinct [Don - Key]),[Pers - Code]) " I can have the number of actions for each people, but I can't create a button to do selections on this

Not applicable

Hi Diego,

Create a variable:

vVar = Concat(Distinct [Don - Key],',')

Now, edit your button action:

On field put [Pers - Code].

On expression put: '('&Concat({<[Don - Key]={$(vVar)}>} Distinct [Pers - Code],'|')&')'


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Sorry for the dumb question, I'm trying but it seems not working to me.. Where do I say that if I push the button I select the value 2, 3 or a different one?

Kind regards


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Hi Diego, with my code you select the people who has the keys selected. If you want to do it with static numbers, you don't need the variable.

'('&Concat({<[Don - Key]={2}>} Distinct [Pers - Code],'|')&')'


Not applicable

Thank you for your help, I'm still not able to make it works but I'm trying to understand why, probably I just need to study better the Set analysis statement.

From what I can read in your, you expect to find a [Don - Key] equals to 2, is it correct? If yes, it can't works for me because I need to count the keys for each person and select the people who have a number of action equals to 2

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Please, attach one example of your app, plz.