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Using Qlikview 9.0 with Google Mapsq


I'm a new user of Qlikview. Just started yesterday. I have tried to get the Google Maps representation of locations to work. That is the demo that is included when you download QV.

I have included the demo script lines and data in the script, but can not get a picture. I just says "no data to show".

What do I do wrong?

I got a Google API key for my website, and added that to the script (nota that i use the Maps application locally within QV)
I have checked that the demo data is correctly loaded
I have read the discussions on this forum about the "& .jpg" at the end. that is correct in the demo script.

I would realy appreciate some help!


2 Replies
Not applicable

Check out this thread, it might get you going in the right direction:

Not applicable

Hi Jason,

Thank you for your reply. sorry to say it does not work for me.

I use the following code:



num(var_mid_lat, '##############', '.', ',' )




num(var_mid_long, '##############', '.', ',' )








'&key='&gmap_key & '&.jpg'

As far as i can see, this is how it should work. When i use a textbox for displaying the results i get:,&zoom=1&maptype=roadmap&size=400x400&key=ABQIAAAA569kCmpTtb...

in the IE browser it works fine, but does not return the latitude / longitude points. In fact, it does not return a value at all for the following code:

num(var_mid_lat, '##############', '.', ',' )




num(var_mid_long, '##############', '.', ',' )

it that where it goes wrong?

hope you can help me here.
