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Master II
Master II

Values of a Textbox shown in Diagramm

Hello QV Community,

please have a look at my qwv file.

I need the monthly values of a textbox to be displayed within a chart (with last 12 Month dimension)!

Or is it possible, that my Datastructure does not fit to my requirement (Do i have to transform the table in script for getting aggregated values?)

Thanks for your help

kind regards

6 Replies
Master II
Master II

Any ideas?

Specialist II
Specialist II

Hi Frank,

     Please change the dimension of the chart to this calculated dimension:


What I have not understood is the expression. What exactly do you need with the daten_Vorgang field?

I have summed it:

Imagen 2.png

But maybe this is not the expression you need. Just let me know!

Master II
Master II


thx for your reply.

I try to describe my problem more precisely. I have a excelfile with 3 columns.

First column is the date. Second column the name of the workshop and the third one (Daten_Vorgang) describes how often the workshop tried to access on our servers. The original data gives me the values by calenderweek, but i need it by month, so i connected my table with my mastercalendar.

Next step was to create a tablediagramm with the workshops as dimension.

As basic expressions  I calculate :

1.) the actual monthvalues over the workshops:


2.) the monthvalue of the month before actual  month


3.) The monthvalue 3 month ago:


These expressions above I use in a fourth expression for calculating the 3 month average:

4.) (sum({$<MonthDiff={[$(vAktuellerMonat)]}>}Daten_Vorgang)+



5.) The next Expression evaluates if the actual monthvalue is greater than the average expression in (4.)





6.) The last expression just gives me the total numbers of distinct workshops accessing the server up to now :


For 5.) and 6.) I see a "1" in the diagramm if the condition is fullfilled otherwise "0". To see the TOTAL Value of the 1´s over all workshops,  I activated the corresponding option in the diagrammsettings.

With These total values i want to create a new diagramm with a quote per month: Total value of 5.)  /  Total value of.6) 

But no formula i am trying works untill now

The requirement is to show these quotes in a 12 month diagramm.

Hope its more clear now!

Any ideas?

Specialist II
Specialist II


"Total value of 5.)  /  Total value of.6) " OR "Total value of 4.)  /  Total value of.6) "?

5) return 1 or 0, that is why I am asking...

Specialist II
Specialist II

Sorry again Frank,

What exactly is the quote per month: the total number of "Daten_Vorgang" that month divided per the number of Workshops that have contacted the servers, that month?

Master II
Master II

Hi Salto,

when you open my qvw and put the slider on the top to -1 (october) then you see the two values i marked in red on the attachment.

The left value divided by the right value should give me 100% (9/9) Quote for this month. If you put the slider to -2 (september)

then the values for this previous month should be 88,88% (8/9). And these quotes i want to show in a 12 month chart and later also showing the moving 12month avg of theses quotes !

thx for your help