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Visual cues equal to

Using Visual Cues.. how can I hightlight when a number is = to the number I want highlighted.

Example, I have a straight table with names in left column and numbers in right column... when number in right column is = 40 I want it to be highlighted.


4 Replies
Specialist III
Specialist III

Chart->Properties->Visual cues:



We can give the condition if not.


expand: averagehours expression:

back ground color, now write the required condition

Not applicable

How do you "give the condition if not" ? so that it only highlights the cells that are equal to 40

Here is my current expression:

Sum ([Project Hours])/Count(DISTINCT([Time Sheet Week Ending])) 

Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Hi Matthew,

As Sasi said, go to


Expand your [Average Hours] expression:

Choose "Background Color" and then write the following expression (Example):

     If(Sum ([Project Hours])/Count(DISTINCT([Time Sheet Week Ending]))  = 40, LightRed())

This will highlight only the cells equal to 40.



Not applicable

In your expression, Average Hours, click the plus next to the field and select Background Colorbackground color.PNG

Double click on background color to add your expression

Here is the formula, I use to highlight cells.  You should be able to adapt for your situation.  You can replace yellow with RGB() and make it any color you want.  I put a single bracket around my value.  In your case it would be 40.  So, here is what I think your expression should be.

=if(Sum([Project Hours])/Count(DISTINCT([Time Sheet Week Ending]))='40', yellow()) 

background expression.PNG

Note.  It is completely counter intuitive, but the background color is greyed out until it has valid expression saved in it then it is regular font