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Weekly Date View

Hi All

I have recieved assistance from the QlikView Community regarding this before, however it is not working properly.

I have a list that shows me WeekStart date - WeekEnd date (Mon to Sun) followed by the Week number of the month e.g 26 - 31 Week 5.

The problem is that some weeks are duplicating


This should Ideally only have 23 - 28 Week 5 for all the dates that fall within that week


Dual (num(if( month(WeekStart( RE_DAY) )<> month( RE_DAY), 1 , day(WeekStart( RE_DAY) )),'00')
&' - '&
Num(if( month(WeekEnd( RE_DAY) )<> month( RE_DAY), day(RE_DAY) , day(WeekEnd( RE_DAY) )),'00'),if(month(WeekStart( RE_DAY) )<> month( RE_DAY), 1 , day(WeekStart( RE_DAY) )))
& ' Week ' &
IF( ( week(WeekStart(RE_DAY)) - week(MonthStart(RE_DAY))+1) < 0, ( week(WeekStart(RE_DAY)) - week(MonthStart(RE_DAY))+1)+52, ( week(WeekStart(RE_DAY)) - week(MonthStart(RE_DAY))+1)) AS Weeks;

Please assist?

5 Replies
Not applicable

You do see 2 rows with 23-27 Week 5 and 23-28 Week 5

Your condition

if (month(Weekend(RE_DAY)<>month(RE_DAY), day(RE_DAY),...

works fine.

As the Weekend of 27th of feburary and of the 28th of feburary will be the first of march 3/1

the condition

month(Weekend(2/27) = March

month(2/27) = Feb

so March <> Feb, the day(RE_DAY) will be displayed! (27 and 28 in 2 rows)

I suppose the same will happen with weekstart when month(weekstart) and month(RE_DAY) will be in different


Not applicable

Thanks for your reply.

Is there any way I can avoid the rows to show like that and only show me one week row for all dates falling in that week?

Not applicable

what do you want to Show in General?

why not displaying day(weekstart(RE_DAY)  & day(Weekend(RE_DAY))

the result would be 23-1 for KW5 in 2015 or 29-3 for KW1

maybe 23.2.-1.3. or 29.12.-3.1. would be better?


To check if the correct week numbers are being created, add a table box to a test sheet to view RE_DAY, and Weeks. You can also add the Year & Month fields.

This will allow you to confirm that the weeks are starting on the correct day, and to confirm the changeover from one year to another.

Not applicable

In this case, I only want the Weeks to show as Week1 to Week4 or Week5 for every month instead of Week1 to Week52