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hi to all i am new in qlikview
can any one clarify me flag creating for working days and weekends.for ur handy i am sharing here "master calender qvd" file
Hi Maruthi,
From the qvd i flagged weekend like this:
If(WeekDay(Date)>=5, 1, 0) as _IsWeekend
If(WeekDay(Date)<5, 1, 0) as _IsWorkingDay // Not really needed as you can ask for _IsWeekend=0
FROM [.\Master_Calender.qvd] (qvd);
WeekDay may change from different countries, in mine, 5 are for saturday and 6 for sunday, change it according to your configuration.
Maybe you'll need a table that identifies local or national parties to flag as non-working days.
Hi Maruthi,
From the qvd i flagged weekend like this:
If(WeekDay(Date)>=5, 1, 0) as _IsWeekend
If(WeekDay(Date)<5, 1, 0) as _IsWorkingDay // Not really needed as you can ask for _IsWeekend=0
FROM [.\Master_Calender.qvd] (qvd);
WeekDay may change from different countries, in mine, 5 are for saturday and 6 for sunday, change it according to your configuration.
Maybe you'll need a table that identifies local or national parties to flag as non-working days.
Hi maruthi,
that's quite easy. You have the WEEKDAY() function in QlikView (when you look that up in the Help_file, you'll get a list of all time- and date-functions, unfortunately all on one page) - that will, if I remember correctly, return a number. Depending on your system, weekends will be 1 and 7 or 6 and 7 - counting from Mon or from Sun.
Just use that in an IF_function to create a binary field with a 1 for weekdays and 0 for weekends.
Best regards,
Thank u Ruben
i am very much satisfied by ur answer ...
Thank DataNibbler