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What to do to insert a Total/SUM of a column in a variable?

Hi everybody.

I'd like to understand the way to work to apply to a variable a SUM/Total especially of a calculated column by IF command.

Thank you so much for your reply


7 Replies

Open the Variable Overview, click on Add, give the new variable a name and click on OK. Next select the new variable in the list of variables. Then enter the expression to calculate the sum in the Definition field. For example =sum(Amount) if you want to calculate the sum of the field Amount.

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand

In your chart select the expression and then select the total box. This can either be No Total, Expression Total or Sum of the Rows - I think you want the "Sum of the Rows" checked.

Hope this helps

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Hi Rupert,

Consider that for normal Total Column I have no issue. The issue I get is

when I calculate a third column (for istance comparing the first two

columns) using IF command and writing row by row 1 or 0 depending of the

condition. Non problem in this case to get the SUM of the column, but I'd

like to know what to do to apply this "SUM" to a variable.

Thanks a lot indeed.


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You can add the columns together very simply.

So if you have calculated expression A and calculated expression B, you can create a rule that says A + B in calculated expression Total and then this can in turn have the sum rows checked for the total.

Not applicable

Could you please explain me better what you intend for "create a rule that says A + B...."

Thank you


Create a calculated expression as A + B if you have already created your other calculated expressions.

Not applicable

Thank you very much Rupert.

Your suggestion is OK if I want to get a third column to be the result of column A + B (also them calculated using IF command). Fortunately to fix my problem I found, surfing, something that seems working very good. In this way I have the opportuniy to store the SUM/TOTAL of those calculated columns to some variables. Please see and test the code here below.



set cell=ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject("CH45").GetCell(1,7)

ActiveDocument.Variables("vXTOTAL").SetContent cell.text, True

set cell=nothing

End Sub