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Has any one used Google API to show world heatmap? This should be without using extension objects. We have trouble in installing extension objects on the server. I see that Google API can be used to show points on the map using longitude and latitude but need help to show heatmap by country. Countries with high volume of data should show in particular color.
Thanks in advance.
I have done this. I used the original google chart api and set chtm=world.
The QV Cookbook has an example of doing a heatmap with the google chart api if you need an example.
Thank you for the answer. It was helpful. I was able to see the world map by changing chtm but having difficulty in changing other parameters. If I increase the size even by a pixel it shows blank. I need a bigger world map. Also, I tried to change states to countries but color schemes are not getting applied. Can you please provide example for world heat map?
Thank you again.
If you give an invalid size (see the chart API doc for limits), the chart will not render.
Attached is an example of a world chart map.
hi Rob,
i am in need of the latitude and longitude values of google map, please send me the file
Hi Kalyan,
This thread is about the google chart API, which does not use lat/long. Search for other threads that use google map API for info about lat/long data.
Hi Rob,
is it possible to use this solution for one Country? I mean to show sales in each district in one Country?
Best regards, Mirek
The Google chart APi has limited maps available. The V2 of the chart API has more maps, but I haven't tried it.
hi rob,
I want to show coloring budget and sales in countries.
sample ;
Country "US" Sales Total = 5100 Budget Total = 23000 rate = %22
red = %0-%25
yellow = %26-%50
blue = %51-%80
green = %80-%100
dark green = < %100
my table;
Product, Country, Sales, Budget
A, US, 1000, 5500
B, US, 1500, 6500
A, US, 2000, 7500
C, US, 600, 3500
A, AU, 2000, 4500
A, CN, 1 , 5500
B, CN, 500, 3500
C, IN, 300, 2500
C, CN, 20, 1500
C, NZ, 600, 2500
& '&chs=' & '440x220' /* Chart size */
& '&chtm=' & 'world' /* Region */
& '&chco=' & 'f5f5f5' /* Color for no value */
& ',' & 'edf0d4,6c9642,13390a' /* Color gradient */
& '&chld=' & concat(DISTINCT Country, '', fieldIndex('State', Country))
& '&chd=s:' & concat( aggr( mid('$(simpleEncodingMap)', 1+round(61*sum(Sales)/max(TOTAL aggr(DISTINCT sum(Sales), Country)),1),1), Country), '', fieldIndex('State', Country))