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I want to introduce a button for reload. For this , I wrote a macro that executes the operation...'ActiveDocument.Reload'.
But, since it didn't work, I checked the boxes 'Allow macro execution on server' and 'Allow unsafe macro execution on server'.
But, even after this, its not working. Do I have to write an edx for this?
Please suggest some ideas. I use qlikview version 9.00 SR7
Thanks and Regards,
qlikview server 11 installed. qlikview services is running.
C:\Program Files\QlikView\Publisher\
This folder does not exist.
I am not sure what the problem.
But you need not have publisher.
You can also reload using this command:
qv.exe /r document.qvw
This only requires a client installation.
first .qvw reload ok.
"C:\Program Files\QlikView\Publisher\Distribution Service\QlikviewDistributionService.exe" -r="C:\test.qvw"
How to reload other documents? on successfully >> other qvw
You have two options:
1)in each report , write a macro with the above command,
and call it with a button click.
2) write the command in a batch file with %1 instead of document name
and, call this batch file with button click while passing document name as parameter.
Hi Anju, Thank you. for your help...
Can you share a sample file? I do not understand fully.
which version of qlikview are you using?
you can try this:
put this command in a .bat file
"C:\Program Files\QlikView\qv.exe" /r "<document path>\%1"
in each of your qvw documents:
create a button and add an action
external -> open url -> paste the path of the .bat file.
On button click, reload should happen.
you can take a look at this
my document;
create a button and add an action
external -> run macro >
Sub External2
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
ActiveDocument.GetApplication.WaitForIdle 3000
ActiveDocument.Variables("vReloadStatus").SetContent "1", true
End Sub
Push bottun error ;
Your method ;
external -> open url -> test2.bat ?
how will ?
yup,,, can u try these
.and so on..