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Hi, how do I determine the number of duplicate rows each record has? Do I use recno function? I have many records that have many duplicates and also records that only appear once, and I want to create another column that displays the number of duplicate rows for each record. Thanks.
Select date, site, person as dimensions of straight table, and write expression Count(date)
Try to use count(any field) ... group by all other fields.
Hope this helps.
select dimension like uniqe key and expression
in a list box u can write the expression and check how many times that record is coming
keep two listbox 1.count (distint urfieldname) 2. count(urfieldname)
hi, i did not try this but, you can
1 sort your table ( you can Count the number of records)
2 create a Composite key with all columns (if they are not so many)
3 use autonumber and create a numeric key, same records will receive the same numeric key
4 use previous function and compare if the sorted keys are the same and flag it, then you can recognize the duplicates
Where should I type this? I cant seem to type in edit script.
Sorry I don't get how I should type this
If you want to add this coloumn permanently, just make like this:
, field 2
, field 3
, 'key' as ArtificialKey
from (...);
LOAD field 1
, field 2
, field 3
, count(ArtificialKey) as Qty
Resident ur_tbl
Group By
field 1
, field 2
, field 3 ;
drop table ur_tbl;
But if you want use it in chart only better use Sergey's approach, just count(1)
Hi Rachel
PFA an example
In this example the row with Id=1 repeats two times
Sorry but I'm not able to open the file actually...could you maybe type out the example? thanks:)