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Creator III
Creator III

how to show this expression?

I have to put a KPI inside a text box showing the country that has the most growth comparing actual year x prior year.

I use this expression below in a chart straight table and it works using a dimension limits for 1 largest value.

(sum({<[Year] = {'$(vCurrentYear)'}>} amount) - sum({<[Year] = {'$(vPriorYear)'}>} amount))


sum({<[Year] = {'$(vPriorYear)'}>} amount)

But how to put this expression showing the Country as below without having the dimension limits for largest valeu, as this is not a chart table anymore?

China - 23.42%

10 Replies

Just like Gysbert mentioned, try this to get the max Value


(sum({<[Year] = {'$(vCurrentYear)'}>} amount) - sum({<[Year] = {'$(vPriorYear)'}>} amount))


sum({<[Year] = {'$(vPriorYear)'}>} amount),

Country)), '##.00%')