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Hi i try to make an xy diagram with long and short term movement from budget
i have implemented a button that change month vmonth in the X axis but i cant make it to work in the Y axis
if vmonth=-2 i want inyeartodate to be untill 2 month ago.
Maybe like
=InYearToDate(Datum, RangeMin(Today(), Monthend(Today(),vmonth)),0,4)
Could you post a small sample QVW and describe a bit more detailed what the issue is (or where the result deviates from your expectation)?
Hi, the result deviates from my expectations in (Y) then i change vmonth
i have tried this but no change in the result
its like InYearToDate cant be changed
InYearToDate() returns a boolean flag (FALSE / TRUE or 0/-1), then you subtract your variable vMonth from the returned boolean value, is this what you want?
i want to lower the range from InYearToDate(Datum,Today(),0,4) =20160401-20160816 today
20160401-20160731 vmonth=-1
20160401-20160630 vmonth=-2
20160401-20160531 vmonth=-3
Maybe like
=InYearToDate(Datum, RangeMin(Today(), Monthend(Today(),vmonth)),0,4)
thank you