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macro for: creating pdf (with PDF-XChange 3.0) and sending it by email (SMTP)

hello to every one,

I really tried to do it, but I cant get a solution:

I have list of email so select for sendind them a report in PDF. my code is the following one, and yes, I know there are errors in it because it only create 1 PDf and it doesnt send it .....

Sub sendPDF   



          if msg=1 then

          Dim destPath, NomeFile

          Dim objEmail


          Const cdoSendUsingPort = 2

          Const cdoAnonymous = 0

          Const cdoBasic = 1

          Const cdoNTLM = 2


          Const SMTPServer = "XXXXXXXXXX"                'IP server

          Const SMTPPort = 25      

          Const SMTPTimeout = 60     


          destPath = ActiveDocument.Variables("print_path").GetContent.String


   set table = ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject( "YYYYYY")

   set f = ActiveDocument.Fields("FIELD")

   set fv = f.GetNoValues 

   h = table.GetRowCount


   set CellMatrix = table.GetCells2(0,1,1,h-1)

   for RowIter=0 to h-2


   fv(RowIter).Text = CellMatrix(RowIter)(0).Text

   fv(RowIter).IsNumeric = false



                    set agente=fv


                    For i = 0 to h-2






                                        NomeFile_TMP = TRIM(agente.Item(i).Text)

                                        NomeFile_TMP = Replace(NomeFile_TMP, "/", "_")

                                        NomeFile_TMP = Replace(NomeFile_TMP, "\", "_")

                                        NomeFile_TMP = Replace(NomeFile_TMP, ":", "_")

                                        NomeFile_TMP = Replace(NomeFile_TMP, "*", "_")

                                        NomeFile_TMP = Replace(NomeFile_TMP, "?", "_")

                                        NomeFile_TMP = Replace(NomeFile_TMP, "Chr(34)", "_")

                                        NomeFile_TMP = Replace(NomeFile_TMP, "<", "_")

                                        NomeFile_TMP = Replace(NomeFile_TMP, ">", "_")

                                        NomeFile_TMP = Replace(NomeFile_TMP, "|", "_")


                              NomeFile = NomeFile_TMP & ".pdf"


                              'NomeFile = agente.Item(i).Text & ".pdf"

                              printReport  "RP01", destPath, NomeFile

                              'ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 1000



          Set NomeReports= fv


          reportFile = "C:\Documents and Settings\ricpet\Documenti\EPM\Report\"& NomeReports.Item(i).Text &".pdf"


'*********************************************************************************commentato invio email automatico ******************************


          set val=ActiveDocument.Fields("EMAIL").GetPossibleValues

                    for j=0 to 10





          Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

          Set objConf = objEmail.Configuration

          Set objFlds = objConf.Fields

          With objFlds


                       ' dettagli server SMTP

                       .Item("") = cdoSendUsingPort

                       .Item("") = SMTPServer

                       .Item("") = 0

                    .Item("") = SMTPPort

                    .Item("") = False

                      .Item("") = 0



          End With



          strSubject = "REPORT : " & ActiveDocument.Fields("FIELD").getpossiblevalues(1).item(0).text

          if strSubject ="" then

             strSubject = "REPORT : " & ActiveDocument.Fields("FIELD").getpossiblevalues(1).item(0).text

          End if

          strMsg = "************ MESSAGGIO GENERATO AUTOMATICAMENTE - Non rispondere a questo indirizzo. Per info non rompete i  ****************** "

          '"<h1>This is some sample message html.</h1>"

          if strMsg = "" then

                    strMsg =   "************ MESSAGGIO GENERATO AUTOMATICAMENTE - non rispondere a questo indirizzo. Per info  non rompete i  ****************** "

          End if

          objEmail.To =  "EMAIL"'MAIL_TO                                                                                ' Destinatario

          objEmail.Cc =  "EMAIL2"

          'objEmail.BCC = "EMAIL3""                                                            ' Mittente

          objEmail.Subject = strSubject

          objEmail.HTMLBody = strMsg

          objEmail.AddAttachment SENDFILE

          msgbox("send file")


          ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 2000


          Set objFlds = Nothing

          Set objConf = Nothing

          Set objEmail = Nothing





                     ActiveDocument.ClearAll "false"


          end if

Msgbox("Invio effettuato con successo")



                     ActiveDocument.ClearAll "true"

End Sub

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