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newbie - multiple tables boxes each with own selection


Im new to QlikView and im trying to evaluate it as a possible solution for my reporting requirements, but there is one thing i just can find out how to do...

I have managed to create tasks using set analysis to graphically display summary data - which is great, but now i need to display a list of data that isnt affected by selections made in other selection boxes.

Simplified, my data has columns for:

Task Name


If the developer name field is blank then the item is not allocated, so i have one page that allows an overview per developer using a list box. On another page I want a list of the tasks that are not allocated.

Problem is that when i select a developer using the list box, it updates all of my table boxes.....

Other than loading the same data as a different table, how can i make different sheets/controls have different selections ??

5 Replies
Specialist II
Specialist II


You can play with your selections in formulas thanks to set analysis.

Some advices :

{<Developer=>} // clear your developer's selections

{<Developer={Mike}>} // clear your develeloper's selections and select Mike

{1} // Clear all your selections

Hope that helps you

Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni


Yes, Martin is right. Combination of Set Analysis & Triggers (Controling through on OnSheetLeave event) will help you to tackle this kind of issues. I am attaching a pdf document which contains simple Set Analysis Tutorial.

Hope this helps you to understand Set Analysis.

Cheers - DV

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I understand the set analysis, and as i understand the triggers can be used to "default" or "reset" the selection as you move from sheet to sheet.... (as well as other tasks) - thanks to the replies so far

I have now managed to get this to work so that i can move between sheets and see the data for each developer (with a trigger i clear the selections and set a new selection).

The problem I have is that i cant see how to apply this to an individual table box. I have setup a trigger on the sheet object OnActivate, but that seems to simply update all the tables on the page based upon the table i have clicked on.

In my simple example, i want to see the developers current tasks and a list of the unallocated tasks so that I can determine which tasks to allocate to them.

This means i need to havemultiple table boxes on the same sheet - one that shows unallocated (developer = "") and one table box for each developer (developer="Karl").

Specialist II
Specialist II

Do you mean something like this ?

=aggr(Only({<Task={"=count(distinct Developper)<1"}>} Task),Task)

Plz look at the attachement



You can only have 1 selection state at a time (until version 11) which means the method works for switching sheets only becuse you dont see that stuff on the other sheets changes as well.