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hi i have one chat ,that chart contains budget value and actual value ,
i have to add previous diff values(budget value-actual value) to current quarter budget value
how to do?
please help me
thanks in advance
I think I mistakenly did full accumulation for Actual. Here is the right image and the right sample
You want this?
Might be this file was corrupted, Try to update new one. I am getting error while hitting (Failed to Open)
OR Post on the wall Expression
hi stalwar1
i want only current quarter (q3)
i want like this but only for current quarter and and also display actuals (next to budget in every quarter
What expression is there for This graph which is Stacked.
HI Anil babu,
i have total 3 expressions
i want to show 2 expressions as grouped
and remain one as stacked
is it possible in one chart
thanks in advance
Is this the goal?
Added an Island table which I will use as a second dimension
LOAD * Inline [
Bar Chart Dimensions
Bar Chart Expressions
=If(Dim = 1, Sum({<CFWB_Display_Year=,dtdim_fydispname=,Col_display_year=>} budget_BudgetValue)/Value)
New piece for current quarter
=If(Dim = 1 and budget_QStartDate <= Today(1) and budget_QEndDate >= Today(1),
RangeSum(Above(TOTAL If(Dim = 1, Sum({<CFWB_Display_Year=,dtdim_fydispname=,Col_display_year=>} budget_BudgetValue)/Value - Sum({<CFWB_Display_Year=,dtdim_fydispname=,Col_display_year=,BudgetRev_st_probability={'100'} >}BudgetRevRevForecasted)/Value), 1, RowNo(TOTAL))))
=If(Dim = 2, Sum({<CFWB_Display_Year=,dtdim_fydispname=,Col_display_year=,BudgetRev_st_probability={'100'} >}BudgetRevRevForecasted)/Value)
I think I mistakenly did full accumulation for Actual. Here is the right image and the right sample
thank you so much