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protect a document

I am having two questions.

1. if we use Section access document and distribute the document to the users based on country. is all user can see all the country qvw file ?

2 How to protect a published document from QMC.. I should not see the protected document at Access Point.

we are basically NT based authentication..

Team kindly help me.


3 Replies

Could you elaborate both items further?

1. How are your users linked to reduction field in section access and how is country linked to the reduction field in section application?

2. There is an option in QMC to hide the document based on section access rights, a user without access won't see the document, if that's what you are looking for.

Not applicable

I am looing for 2 solution,

1) Basically we are spiting the document based on country, using publisher.

2) we want to give access for the document for the user requirement. a can see country usa, b can see india, c can see both usa and india. like this.

Thanks for the reply Swu


I think you want to have a look into Loop & Reduce, maybe start with some documents listed here:

Document on Loop and Reduce