save macro from Access Point to server or personal machine
Such a good afternoon, what I want is that from the ACCESS POINT run my macro, its function is to generate QVDS but do not put that route for the QVD is saved on the server or on my personal machine.
the macro runs perfectly on my personal computer. But in the access point does its function.
thank you very much for the support.
Sub ExportCambiosProductos
set temp = ActiveDocument.GetApplication.GetProperties
set doc = ActiveDocument
vUser = Replace(temp.UserName, "\", "_")
vDate = ActiveDocument.Evaluate("=Date(Now(),'DDMMYYYY_hhmmss')")
vPath = "C:\Users\cdominguez\Documents\Proyectos QV\pruebas\QVDs\"<------------I need a route please
vFileName = vPath & "ActualizacionQVD_"&vUser&"_"&vDate&".qvd"
set Graph = ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject("CH_ExportCambiosProductos")
Graph.ExportEx vFileName, 4
msgbox("Autorización Realizada")
End Sub